
Referendum: A natural progression for Bougainville after the crisis

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Mista Gavana Powes Parkop and His Buai Vendetta


*Buai em laif yah! A common saying amongst many Papua Niugineans because it is a part of our social life.

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PNG Fashion

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CLRC Issues Paper on mining tailings disposal available here

via PNG MIne Watch

The Constitution and Law Reform Commission has published an Issues Paper on Environmental and Mining Laws Relating to Management and Disposal of Tailings by the mining industry in PNG.

Download your copy below.

Any interested persons or organizations are invited to provide a submission or comments on the Issues Paper before the deadline of 30 September 2013.

Papua New Guinea is one of the few countries in the world that still allows the dumping of toxic mine tailings into its rivers and oceans.

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The Red Sea Risks Violation from Deep Sea Mining

Well well! On this glorious Friday let us hope that people like the Grand Master of Evasion, Mr Tiensten will happen upon this article and see what concerns people halfway across the world have with experimental seabed mining!

Seems like some bright people share the same concerns we do about the issue...

Deep Sea Mining the Next Frontier for Sudan and Saudi Arabia?

Source: Green Prophet

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Mald: Scrutinise Land Deals

Source: The National

ILLEGAL land grabbing activities involving foreigners should be properly scrutinised by the government, former MP and minister Andrew Mald says.

“Papua New Guineans are being forced into entering into deals with local landowners in Port Moresby and elsewhere to build their homes because they are unable to buy state land,” he said this week.

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SABL: Transcript of Proceedings (Kimbe - West New Britain)

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Thoughts on the Open Budget Survey 2012

Wednesday (Jan 23rd) a little board room in the Institute of National Affairs was humming …if you’d been listening from outside the room that is.

If you were inside, a part of the audience like me, you would’ve first seen the back of a lot of heads at first. Bald ones, frizzy ones, long haired ones and blonde ones too.

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Boring-old-English and Bastardized Tok Pisin


As a nation we don't take up that much space in the world in terms of land and sea area but out of the 6900 spoken languages of the world almost a quarter of them are spoken in Papua New Guinea! It's quite uncommon in the world (especially in the so-called 'developed' world) to grow up speaking at least 3 languages.

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Pomio Grand Master of Evasion Wants No Delay in Seabed Mining

A story in Radio Australia News today sent tremors of disbelief, horror and disgust all throughout my conscience.

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