
What are the real costs of PMIZ?

Who should be our maritime caretakers?

Nancy Sullivan | Nineteen Years and Counting

This is a photo from yesterday sent to me by Racheal Shisei of a young whale caught in RD Tuna netting and obviously left to die offshore in Madang.

Think about this when we hear again and again that the PMIZ (Pacific Marine Industrial Zone) is an inevitability, and that inviting ten foreign-owned canneries, their workers, their ships, and their demands for infrastructure, to come live in a piece of the Rempi land just north of Madang town.

In whose interest is this?

What really are the costs/benefits of this scheme?

We hear that this accommodation will allow PNG to harvest more of the proceeds from our tuna industry. But what kind of jobs are expected to be produced? How many at a living wage?

How many bonuses to MPs and Industry 1%?

Will it cost Madang our entire near shore fisheries?

Will it cost us our biodiversity?

Will it cost us more dolphins and whales?