
Risks and Their Worth.........

Sorry ol lain, going a little crazy but I think the atmosphere of this so-called independence celebrations (I mean seriously! 37 years after being around for over 4000 years-SHEEESH!!!) are getting to me.

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Risks and Their Worth

Is the economic situation in Papua New Guinea so desperate that we have to resort to Experimental Seabed Mining in order to survive? Is the risk worth taking? Is it worth sacrificing the health of our solwara so that OTHER PEOPLE can benefit at the expense of OUR PEOPLE?

The answers that many Papua New Guineans of expertise and experience have given over and over again is a simple NO!  Seabed Mining shouldn't be an option until the risks are studied carefully.

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No Emotions. No Assumptions. Just Facts

Slap yourself you naughty child! You should not have an opinion! AND if you do – under no circumstance should you voice that opinion, unless it supports what we (the ever-wise adults) have said! AND whatever scientific research and legal opinion (no matter who from) that has been formulated outside of THIS circle (picture a fair skinned, slightly balding, black haired, wire rimmed spectacled, black-suit and tie wearing, middle aged Papua New Guinean man drawing a circle with his delicate pointers) is IRRELEVANT and surely based on pure emotion.

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Selling Our Happiness to Buy Their Development

Development is a big word. It essentially depends on who is selling and who's buying the idea of ‘development’.

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ACT NOW! welcomes announcement on ICAC

PRESS RELEASE: 30th August 2012

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! has welcomed the announcement by the Governor General that the new government will establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

"ACT NOW! is very pleased the government of Peter O’Neill has pledged to establish an ICAC and is promising to take effective action on corruption”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW!

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Pacific voices must be heard on seabed mining

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Pacific Scoop

Seabed Mining. The so-called ‘latest frontier’ in mineral extraction in the commodity hungry industrialized world where cars, houses and airplanes are more and more in demand. The thing is no matter how much people try to dress it up and make it look safe, economical and people friendly – mineral exploitation is mineral exploitation full stop.

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Pacific Civil Society Organizations Launch Legal Opinion on Deep Seabed Mining in the Pacific!

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United Nations Secretary-General warns on the "precarious state of marine environment"

Via our Namibian Friends, SWAKOPMUND MATTERS (12-2012)


U.N. Secretary-General's remarks at Law of Sea conference and launch of United Nation’s Oceans Compact - 12 Aug. 2012

 The Secretary-General stressed several all important points. Among those are the following when he elaborated on the “precarious state of the marine environment”.

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Milne Bay Members of Parliament refuse Seabed Mining in Milne Bay Waters

By Andrew Pascoe

MILNE BAY Governor Titus Philemon and National Planning Minister Charles Abel have added their names to the rising chorus of politicians standing against a Canadian miner’s plans to mine the Bismarck Sea.

The newly-elected Philemon has signed a petition demanding a halt to plans by Canadian miner Nautilus Minerals to explore for minerals in the province’s seabed, saying: “There will be no seabed mining in Milne Bay.”

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