
PNG Power Staff Resume Work

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Illegal Fishing Threatens Food Supply After PNG Floods

via Radio Australia

Tens of thousands of people in Papua New Guinea's Western Province are having their food security undermined by illegal fishing, making recovery from recent floods more difficult.


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2,000 PNG Power Ltd Staff Protest Will Affect Power Supply


THE country is expected to expe­rien­ce indefinite power outages when more than 2,000 PNG Power Ltd staff stage a protest starting today.
It could extend past the start of voting in the general election on Saturday.
Highlands union representative Cle­ment Ravini said yesterday in Lae:

“The sit-down protest will go on for as long as it takes to get the attention of the (Public Enterprises) minister (Sir Mekere Morauta).”

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From Rio Against Experimental Seabed Mining

Partners to Act Now's Pacific 20,000 Signatures Initiative Against Experimental SeaBed Mining are in Rio de Janeiro attending various events to raise the profile of the initiative. Maureen Penjueli, Coordinator of Pacific Network on Globalization (PNG) from Fiji, talked at Major Groups press briefing on 13 June at Rio+20.

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"Fool me once" Lessons From Tonga

Tonga became a member of the WTO in 2005 under what has been described as "arguably the worst terms ever offered to any country" - requiring the Pacific Island nation to make wide ranging and binding commitments on trade liberalisation.


Produced by the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG)

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New T-shirt to boost campaign against experimental seabed mining

The Pacific Network on Globilization has launched a new T-shirt to boost the campaign against experimental seabed mining in the Pacific.

Lice Cokanasiga models the new T-shirt





















Lice Cokanasiga models the new T-shirt. 

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Buying The Value of Useless Plastic

It starts its journey at a place thousands of walks, sleeps and an ocean away called Melbourne. Carefully it gets printed and cut. A rectangular piece of plastic, coloured depictions of different digitalized, nationalised objects on one side, on the flip side you see either the Waigani *haus tambaran or the majestic bird of paradise. You can’t eat it, drink it, nurture it, decorate yourself with it or use it as an ornament on yourself nor your home.

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How Capitalism Works


Capitalism and the market are presented as synonymous, but they are not. Capitalism is both the enemy of the market and democracy.

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Condoms & Baby Products

How SABLs allowed Condoms and Baby Products to Take Over My Land

This is a story of how Condoms and Baby Products took over my land. This is happening here in Papua New Guinea, it may have already happened to you or it could be about to happen to you.

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Nautilus Mining Clarified

Experimental Seabed Mining. The latest frontier that science has come up with to satisfy other (as in NOT Papua New Guinea’s) man’s craves for mineral resources.

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