

By Oala Moi*

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Woodlark Lease Quashed


THE National Court has quashed a decision by the National Lands Board and the Minister for Lands in awarding a company, Vitroplant,three agriculture leases to plant palm oil on Woodlark Island.

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Australian academic accused of playing the race card to defend Malaysian loggers

Professor Andrew Lattas responds to criticism from Australian National University academic and industrial logging advocate, Tim Curtin, of his expose of the land theft and violence experienced by communities in PNG at the hands of foreign logging companies.... 

Professor Andrew Lattas*

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April Nostalgia

Goodbye April 2012, we shall miss you- there will never be another April 2012 (thank goodness)!

Take a deep breath now Papua New Guinea…nine months is a long time to be lugging around a weight that seems to grow ever heavier with each passing day. Nine months since we somehow, whether we like it or not conceived the O’Namah government, that has been our burden to bear. Only we can change this burden come June 23rd and hopefully the next government we bear is a lighter, more compliant burden then this current one.

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Govt Urged to Repeal SABL

THE Umi-Atzera and Onga-Waffa people in Markham Valley, Morobe, are urging the government to repeal the Special Agricultural Business Lease (SABL) policy because it “regards landowners as mere slaves”.

“In Markham district, we will never invite and entertain government’s SABL policy,” provincial agriculture chairman and Umi-Atzera president, Daki Mao said.

More than 5,000 people gathered at Mutzing station to witness the launching of pioneer Morobe palm oil project last Friday.

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Locals Wants Hold on Logging

via The National

SOME landowners want all logging operations in the Turubu log pond area in East Sepik province to stop until the Special Agriculture Business Licences (SABL) report is completed and the government makes its recommendations.

They want to know why the report into SABLs is still pending and logging operations going on in areas not consented to.

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Educated Enough to See Through Your Eyes BUT...

Thursday. The second last day of the working week and the political situation in this awe inspiring nation of ours is ever turbulent, yes we are truly a vibrant democracy.

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The Evidence of BCL's role in the Bougainville Conflict: A Reluctant Response to Axel G. Sturm's Open Letter

By Dr Kristian Lasslett*

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Whose Law is it anyway?

O’arise all you children of this land…otherwise *bai yu kisim pen!

Sound familiar? In our uniquely Papua New Guinean way, law is something that we learn (more like taught to us) at a very early stage in our lives. We are taught the boundaries of acceptable behavior almost from the moment we are aware and can decide our actions.

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A nightmare is about to repeat itself in PNG

 By Gary Juffa* - via PNG News Facebook Page

An ominous moon has risen over the island of Papua New Guinea tonight, it casts its thick dark shadows across all of the nation, over its villages, its districts and settlements, its suburbs and streets, its ghettoes and by-ways, its highways, valleys and plains.

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