
The Greatest Threat to BCLs future is it's Hidden Past

By Dr. Kris Lasslett 

Last month the President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) Axel Sturm publicly raised concerns over the volatility of BCL’s share prices. In an interview with PNG Industry News, he blamed political uncertainty in Papua New Guinea for BCL’s current woes.

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Landowner Companies are not Landowners

By Andrew Lattas

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Our Knowledge and Their Knowledge

Fifty years ago in Papua New Guinea, knowledge or save as we call it in Tok Pisin would have meant how well you can foresee the weather, how well you can fish, hunt or gather. How well you could dance and chant and sing those customary rites. 

Our knowledge was practical, there were rules and regulations that kept some semblance of order in the complicated myriad of relationships in our traditional society.

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Stop Experimental Seabed Mining Campaign goes regional with the launch of "20,000 signatures" initiative

ACT NOW! recently launched a email action addressed to Pacific Island Leaders, requesting an end to experimental seabed mining in the region. The basis for the concern was in relation to the environmental and social sustainability issue surrounding this "first of it's kind" mining and it's long term impact on coastal communities. 

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Pomio: Logging, lawlessness & a crisis of legitimacy

Andrew Lattas gives an account below of logging, lawlessness and a crisis of legitimacy in one (out of a hundred other) areas of Papua New Guinea, where local land grab, has left a group of aggrieved locals intimidated and brutalized by members of the Royal PNG Constabulary.

State Agencies that are supposed to be Regulators of foreign investment activities, are actively facilitating human rights abuse in defense of foreign interests.

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"Real" Nation Notions

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Setting our people up to fail

via Our Pacific Ways

A few questions niggled in the back of my mind a few days ago after a long discussion with friends. We talked about the expectations that the Papua New Guinea education system embeds in our minds.

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How can we achieve peace if we hop on the band wagon

By Rosa Koian

From Syria to Mali to Indonesia civilians are screaming for peace and justice in the face of mechanised artillery and guns, and Papua New Guinea would not turn its face away from this.

Instead last week, the Papua New Guinea government deploys soldiers made up of Papua New Guineans to make sure an international corporation, ExxonMobil, have its way in this rural community of Southern Highlands Province.

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More violence in East New Britain SABL

By Grace Tiden

TEN Pomio landowners were arrested by police few days ago for blocking a stream that flows through their customary land. 

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Congratulations UPNG students, PEA, PNGTUC

Congratulations all those UPNG students who took part in the march yesterday! We are humbled by your maturity, persistence and the concern that you have shown for your country. The SRC executives (Emmanuel, Roland, Dicky and Wanpis), Nou Vada and all who played a role in organizing the march (PNGTUC and PEA) - you have done an excellent job. The multitude was orderly, peaceful and the petitions were received. Well done!

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