Customary Land

No benefits from 50 years of logging in Madang

By Rex Sos

Heavy logging activity has been going on in Madang Province for the last 50 years.

Some 500,000 hectares of forest have been harvested and unique eco systems destroyed under the name of logging. 

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Seeking Expressions of Interest

ACT NOW has recently received funding to expand its work in Papua New Guinea with a particular focus on the management of forest resources.

We are therefore seeking expressions of interest from well qualified and experienced practitioners and organisations interested in providing services in the following five areas:

  1. International stakeholder engagement;
  2. Research coordination;
  3. Digital services;
  4. Project management; and
  5. Investigative reserach.


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Civil Society Presentation on the Forestry Act Review

1.  The Forestry Act 1991 is 30 years old and has been weakened by many amendments.

2.  Very limited implementation: most operations are old concession types - Timber Rights Purchase (TRP) / Local Forest Area (LFA). 

3.  Under the Act our forest resource has been depleted; unsustainable harvests + extensive forest clearance. 

4.  Act is completely outdated as the national and international context has changed: 

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Log tax revenue up despite industry forecasts and global pandemic

In November 2019 the Marape government committed to increasing taxes on round log exports as a response to decades of tax evasion and tax avoidance by the logging industry.

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From Extraction to Inclusion: Frequently Asked Questions

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) summarize some of the key findings and analysis in the report From Extraction to Inclusion, Changing the Path to Development in Papua New Guinea.

Hasn’t PNG seen solid economic growth the last few years—and doesn’t this mean that PNG’s approach to development is working?

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New Report Calls for a Dramatic Change for Real Development in Papua New Guinea

With the release of a new report, ACT NOW!, Jubilee Australia, and the Oakland Institute, are calling for an urgent change of course from political leaders in Papua New Guinea. The report, From Extraction to Inclusion, analyses the country’s economic and development performance since its independence in 1975.

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New Report Calls for a Dramatic Change for Real Development in Papua New Guinea

With the release of a new report today, ACT NOW!, Jubilee Australia, and the Oakland Institute, call for an urgent change of course from political leaders in Papua New Guinea. The report, From Extraction to Inclusion, analyses the country’s economic and development performance since its independence in 1975.

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