Customary Land


Four linked companies - Cakara Alam (PNG) Ltd, Sumber Alam (PNG) Limited. Tzen Pacific Limited and Tzen Resource Limited - were together responsible for exporting 634954 m3 of logs during 2019-2021 from eight concessions in West New Britain Provinces and the Hawain Concession in East Sepik Province. Caraka Alam (PNG) Ltd and Sumber Alam (PNG) Limited are owned by Malaysian company C.A Investments Limited, which is registered in Lanuam, a tax haven. 

Landowners say Forest Authority acting suspiciously

Landowners from the Ramu Block 3 area of Madang Province have accused the PNG Forest Authority of ignoring their wishes in allocating logging rights over their forests.

The landowners say the PNGFA has refused to hand over key documents for their inspection and they are suspicious about what the Forest Authority is trying to hide. The landowners also say the PNGFA has ignored a formal petition submitted by the group (copied below).

Moratorium on new FCAs a step in the right direction

A moratorium on new Forest Clearance Authorities, recently announced by the PNG Forest Authority, has been welcomed by community advocacy organization ACT NOW, but the group says the measure does not go far enough.

“We are pleased the National Forest Board has recognized that the FCA system is being widely abused and has ordered a halt on the issuing of new Authorities and an audit of all existing FCA projects”, says Campaign Manager Eddie Tanago.

Multiple logging projects appear to be defying court ban

Map showing location of log exporting TRP projects 2019-21

More than thirty large-scale logging projects appear to be operating in defiance of a Court ban issued by the Deputy Chief Justice in June 2021. Together the logging operations accounted for 40% of Papua New Guinea’s total log exports in the twelve months from July 2021.

New Four-Lane Road from Lae to Nadzab Airport

By Customary Land Advocate. 

A much-publicized four-lane road is being constructed by a Chinese company while customary landowners are not aware of what is going on. It is a perverted ploy by the State through its agencies and certain individuals to bring what seems to be a glamorous mode of development to Morobe Province at the expense of people’s customary land.