Customary Land

Media told to report on Environment and Forest Crime

Post Courier II 3rd MAY 2024

The Media Council of Papua New Guinea (MCPNG) is calling on it’s membership in the mainstream media sector of the country, to increase their coverage of environmental issues, to look past the developmental benefits of our natural resources and also shine light on government entities charged with the responsibility as gatekeepers of our country’s natural resources.

Malaysian Logger Fails in "SLAPP" Legal Attack on Papua New Guinea Civil Society

The Malaysian owned Giant Kingdom group of companies, which is logging Papua New Guinea’s besieged tropical forests, has failed in an unprecedented bid to silence public comment on the money laundering risks associated with its chequered activities.

At a time when international standard setting bodies are calling on civil society to help combat the money laundering risks associated with illegal logging, the Giant Kingdom group has engaged in lawfare to stop civic voices in PNG from documenting these risks.

Looting and Riot is a result of the wrong model of development.

Wednesday 10th January marks a dark day in PNG’s history. The nation’s capital came under siege, Parliament house stormed, Manasupe’s Haus breeched, the city was pillaged, business houses looted and set aflame after failure to reconfigure what is said to be a technical glitch in the payroll system that caused the Police and public to protest.

Illegal Logging and Corruption suffocates Development

Mr. Nicholas Booth / UNDP Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea.*

On Saturday, December 9, 2023 we marked International Anti-Corruption Day. This year, the day was dedicated to raising awareness of the link between anti-corruption and sustainable development. That remains a relevant issue in Papua New Guinea.

Is the Forest Authority breaching the FCA Moratorium?

Evidence from official government sources suggests the PNG Forest Authority may be breaching a moratorium on new Forest Clearing Authority projects.

A twelve month moratorium on the issuing of new FCAs was announcd by the National Forest Board in February 2023 in response to widespread concerns the licences are being misused.