Govt claims on reducing export logging don’t stack up

Updated 18 March 2022 with the details of four further new log export operations that started in December 2021

Government claims that it has stopped issuing new log export licences to foreign owned logging companies are not borne out by the evidence, says community advocacy organisation ACT NOW!

There are sixteen twenty new foreign operated log export operations that have started up since 2020, according to the government’s own log export data”, says ACT NOW! Campaign Manager Eddie Tanago.

This completely contradicts the Prime Minister’s claims that under his government, since 2020 new log export licences have only been given to locally owned businesses”.

ACT NOW! says nine of the new operations started in 2020 and seven eleven more in 2021. The latest operations to be given the green light exported their first logs in October December 2021.

ACT NOW! also says over half of the new foreign owned log export operations have been licensed as supposed agriculture projects, which have previously been found to be riddled with corruption.

The SABL Commission of Inquiry found that the false promise of agriculture projects were routinely being used by foreign owned logging companies to fraudulently acquire log export licences and clear large tracts of forests. The log export data shows it is very likely these very same abuses are still continuing even without SABL leases”, says Eddie Tanago.

According to government figures, the new foreign owned logging operations that have commenced since 2020 were responsible for nearly 20% of all unprocessed log exports in 2021.

The new export logging operations are spread across seven eight different Provinces, with five in West Sepik, four in West New Britain, two four in West New Britain, two each in Central Province and New Ireland and one each in Oro, New Ireland Morobe and Western Provinces.

ACT NOW! says while it fully supports the government’s policy to stop all unprocessed log exports by 2025 in favour of 100% downstream processing, the facts show the PNG Forest Authority is misleading the Prime Minister and is failing to implement government’s policy.

The PNG Forest Authority is a rogue institution that has been instrumental in orchestrating the illegal and unsustainable logging of our forests for the past thirty-years”, says Eddie Tanago.

Clearly it cannot be trusted to implement government policy or protect our forests”.

ACT NOW! says the PNGFA should be completely abolished and a new government institution set up under a completely new Forestry Act.

Such measures are the only way we can ever ensure community led sustainable management of PNG’s rich forest resources and the development of secure, well paid jobs based on downstream processing”, says Eddie Tanago.


Tangoy Vivafounder Holdings Limited - Idam-Saiwi Inter Agri Proj (FCA 10-09) - West Sepik - first exported March 2020 - total exports 3,225 m3
GL Niugini - East Awin Umuda Is. (TP 01-01) - Western - first exported March 2020 - total exports 65,725m3 (28,953 + 36,772)
Mekar (PNG) Limited - Aliai-Sisimi-Hargy Consolidated (14-38) - WNB - first exported April 2020 - total exports 73,621m3 (26,750 + 46,871) 
PJ Plantations Limited - Idam-Saiwi Inter Agri Proj (FCA 10-09) - West Sepik - first exported June 2020 - total exports 44,600m3 (14,611 + 29,989)
KL Connections Limited (KK Connections Ltd) - Dengnenge B Agro Forestry (FCA 15-16) - ENB - first exported July 2020 - total exports 147,215m3 (51,746 + 95,469)
Sunland Limited - Idam-Saiwi Inter Agri Proj (FCA 10-09) - West Sepik - first exported Oct 2020 - total exports 40,779m3 (9,273 + 31,506) 
Milton Limited (Asset Mariah (PNG) Ltd) - Pakalua Agri. Forestry (FCA 14-02) - WNB - irst exported Oct 2020 - total exports 15,214m3 (1,479 + 13,735) 
Musa Century Limited - Lower Musa Agro (FCA 05-05) - Oro - first exported Nov 2020 - total exports 35,613m3 (5,299 + 30,314) 
Joinland Management (PNG) Limited - Lak (TRP 16-43) - NI - first exported Nov 2020 - total exports 60,952m3 (7,482 + 53,470)
Active Forests Limited - Cloudy Bay (TP 03-01) - Central - first exported in March 2021 - 54,332m3
IFL Investment - Bonua Magarida TRP (TP 03-28) - Central - first exported in April 2021 - 53,068m3 (previously logged in 2001-19 by Delta Timber Limited)
BDSL Shipping - Sapo Agroforest Dev Block 8A (TA 10-126) - West Sepik - first exported May 2021 - 1,849m3
KK Connections - Utnari Land Agro-Forestry (FCA 15-21) - ENB - first exported July 2021 - 35,469m3
Continental Alliance - Wagana Wagasu Large scale (FCA 10-13) - West Sepik - first exported August 2021 - 10,475m3
Milton Limited - Morevona Agro Forestry (FCA 14-03) - WNB - first exported  in August 2021 - 3,999m3
Vanimo Jaya (VJ Holdings Ltd) - Ulewun Kamarere Woodlot (TP 14-85) - WNB - first exported in October 2021 - 9,032m3
Green Point - Ania Integrated Agriculture (FCA 15-17) - ENB - first exported Dec 2021 - 7,685m3

Joinland Management (PNG) - Kamdaru-Siaman-Lamasa (TP 16-35) - NI - first exported Dec 2021 - 4,231m3
Wasu Resource Ltd (Lucky Logging Limited) - Wasu Cattle Farm (FCA 13-03) - Morobe - first exported Dec 2021 - 10,007m3
PL Connection Ltd - Suikol Integrated Agro (FCA 15-13) - ENB - first exported Dec 2021 - 3,274m3 (previously logged in 2019 by Westenders Limited)