Elizabeth1's blog

Concerns over impact deep sea mining for copper, gold off Papua New Guinea will have on sea life


Source: PNG Mine Watch

A controversial mining project that involves ploughing the sea floor off Papua New Guinea (PNG) is set to begin amid concerns about its impact on the marine environment.

Canadian company Nautilus Minerals plans to mine 1.6 million tonnes of copper and gold a year from the volcanic hot springs in the Solwara 1 deposit in the Bismarck Sea, in what is hailed as the first deep sea mining project in the world.

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Foreign mining industry cries foul over PNG asserting its independence

Dancing around the issue

Source: PNG Industry News

ABOLISHING fly-in, fly-out employment would have detrimental effects for Papua New Guinea’s mining industry, an Australian junior has warned.

While applauding the PNG government’s determination to consult industry ahead of changes to the constitution regarding resources ownership, Highlands Pacific CEO John Gooding warned of potential ramifications of changing fly-in, fly-out rules.

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Mt Kare landowners call on govt to cancel exploration license


Source: PNG Mine Watch

The previous results of the Indochine/Summit Land owner study does not accurately provide the cultural and traditional land owners of Mt Kare.

We the Incorporated Land Groups of our Mt Kare land area EL1093 have requested MRA and the PNG Government to cease any license renewal to this Indochine/Summit circus, and do not authorise any current PNG Government/PM to consent these 2 companies to our EL1093.

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Preserve your language, preserve your culture

For those of us who think about the connection between land and language – thought the following short piece would be of interest and also a kind of warning to us in Melanesia to starting caring more for all of our languages, which are also in decline in this modern era of schooling in English, etc . . 


Who Speaks Wukchumni?

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Seabed mining - from science fiction to reality


Source: Sydney Morning Herald

The 'bulk cutter' is built to make the world's first attempt at deep sea mining. Photo: Nautilus Minerals

On an engineering works floor in Britain stands a 250 tonne machine that promises to change the way we think about the seabed.

It's built to mine the deep.

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We do not want to be slaves in our own land

Source: The loggers Times

I WISH to express my views and concerns about expats being the lawmakers of PNG.

I am a mine worker and worked with most expats during my years in several underground mines for the last 10 to 20 years.

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LO company gets contract

Source: The National

Kurumbukari mine landowners were awarded two road maintenance and a casual employment contract by Ramu NiCo on Monday.

Ramu NiCo’s president Wang Jicheng said the company would continue to deliver project memorandum of agreement (MOA) commitments and other business and employment opportunities entitled to by landowners despite the recent devastating attack on KBK mine which cost the company around US$5.06 million (K14m).

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Bougainville Copper maintains inside running on re-opening Panguna mine

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Business Advantage PNG 

The Bougainville parliament has just passed an interim mining act, paving the way for its troubled Panguna copper mine to re-open. Even though the new act removes the automatic renewal of its lease to continue, Bougainville Copper Limited is still the preferred mine operator, as Kevin McQuillan reports.

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Native Born

Source: PNG Mine Watch

My island


Oh Mekamui : I care for you,
Sadden by the big hole in you

Oh Mekamui : I would not sell you for a price
I would not strip you off your forest
Or pollute your clear blue sky

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Wok turism bai helpim PNG ikonomi winim mining


Source: ABC Radio Australia

Wok blong turisam inap bringim planti moa moni long strongim ikonomi blong Papua New Guinea winim ol wok mining, oil na gas.

Despla em toktok blong Executive direkta blong Institute of National Affairs long Port Moresby Paul Barker.

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