Elizabeth1's blog

Conference reaffirms Pacific Identity

Source: The National

People gathered at the Divine Word University in Madang last week to discuss the importance of restoring Pacific identity.

The gathering coincided with a celebration dance, that signified a protest against western influence of exploiting land and sea resources in the Pacific. .

In attendance were artists, musicians, chiefs, academics, clergy, activists, youth and civil society representatives.

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Westminster system good for PNG politics

Photo: Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill_PNGvillage

Source: Mellisa Martin

The Westminster system of government is an ideal form of government for Papua New Guinea, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said yesterday. He said this during the opening of the Governor-General’s new office at Government House in Port Moresby.

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Increased Violence at Barrick's Pogera Mine: Indigenous Ipili send Envoy from Papua New Guinea to Canada

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Barrick Gold’s Porgera Joint Venture Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has long been associated with extreme violence against local men and women by mine security and state police associated with the mine. The level of human rights abuses at the mine has spiked again this year.

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Court reveals woeful and unlawful lack of consultation and consent in SABL process

Source: PNG Exposed

National Court finds the SABL granted over the customary land known as Potion 144C East Sepik Province was granted in breach of the Constitution and mandatory statutory requirements 

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Revised Mining Act making headway

Picture: Sir Julias Chan

Source: PNG Loop

Former prime minister and Governor of New Ireland, Sir Julius Chan has given notice to parliament to introduce new mining legislation that will give landowners more say in terms of minerals found in their customary land.

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Solomon landowners claim royalties

The sun setting at Gold Ridge mine, Solomon Islands. Photo: Koroi Hawkins

Source: Radio New Zealand

Landowners warn the Solomon Islands government to pay misappropriated royalties before the Gold Ridge mine can be reopened.

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PNG Forest authority to become self-reliant

Source: The National

PORT MORESBY, PNG ---- Papua New Guinea Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa intends to the make the PNG Forest Authority self-reliant.

He told Parliament last Friday that the National Executive Council has agreed that the authority became a self-financing organisation.

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Loggers to be taken to task

Source: PNG Loop

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Commentator wants all SABLs cancelled

Picture: Mr. Tony Power 

Source: PNG Loop

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MP calls for investigation into logging company

Picture: Manus MP, Roney Knight

Source:The National

MANUS MP Ronny Knight wants the PNG Forest Authority to scrutinise a logging company that has been operating in his electorate and is now bidding to go into agro-forestry.

Knight raised that in Parliament last Friday, stating that the same company has been logging in Manus for the last 25 years.

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