Elizabeth1's blog

Miner: No environment incident happened

Source: The National

STAKEHOLDERS in the Ramu nickel/cobalt project have been assured that no significant environment incident has happened during the project’s commissioning period.

The Ramu NiCo management said it was closely implementing the operational environment management plan as required under the government plan.

The firm has engaged an independent consultant from Australia to conduct studies on marine life.

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Logging industry reaping us off, says Tomuriesa

Source: Post Courier

THE forest industry in PNG remains a "loggers" industry without much down stream processing, Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa told Parliament on Friday. Mr Tomuriesa, in a ministerial statement entitled "Status of forest industry in PNG", said only about 15 percent of exports is in the form of timber while the rest are exported as unprocessed logs.

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Rapid progress on Bougainville's long term Mining law

Source: PNG Loop

For seven years the mining department of the Autonomous Bougainville Government has worked to develop a policy framework for the long term mining law to meet Bougainville’s very special needs.

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PNG to sell 49pc of Air Niugini


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K37 million ‘missing’ from forest funds


PNG Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa

Source: Post Courier 

THE Government will investigate how K37 million of the K140 million forest development levy funds were misused, Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa told Parliament yesterday.

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PNG government admits to inaccuracies over Singapore court verdict on Ok Tedi funds

The PNG SDP and the PNG government are fighting over control of a trust which uses money from the Ok Tedi mine to fund development projects (Credit: Audience submitted)

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Lawyers for Papua New Guinea's government have admitted the prime minister released "factually inaccurate" information about a court case in Singapore.

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Ramu Nico defends against claim

Source: Post Courier

THE developers of the Ramu Nickel project says it has met all its commitments under the project’s memorandum of agreement-2000.

It states its commitment has not changed and it will be working to meet its obligations under the revised MoA currently in effect as the project ramps up.

The firm was responding to reports by Usino/Bundi MP Anton Yagama in relation to the recent destruction to properties owned by Ramu NiCo (MCC) Management Limited at the Kurumbukari mine site in his electorate.

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Warning Sounded on Chinese Threat to the Pacific

A warning has been sounded in Madang, Papua New Guinea on the Chinese threat to the Pacific

Source: Tonga Daily News

Madang, Papua New Guinea: 9am (PCC/NETANI RIKA):Regional governments must seriously address China’s attempts to control fishing, timber, animal and mineral resources.

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State land up on market

Source: The National

PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill says State-owned land will be freed up to assist Papua New Guineans own their own homes.

He said that yesterday during the launching of the First Home Ownership Scheme run jointly with Bank South Pacific.

The occasion was witnessed by Cabinet Ministers, MPs and business executives in Parliament’s State Function Room. O’Neill signed the agreement with BSP Group chief executive officer Robin Fleming where a presentation of K200 million was made.

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Ramu Project: No harm to area

Source: Post Courier

STAKEHOLDERS in the Ramu nickel/cobalt project have been assured there have been no significant environmental impact since the project’s commissioning.

They have also been assured by the project developer that the company was closely implementing the operational environment management plan (OEMP) as required under the Government issued environment plan.

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