Elizabeth1's blog

Offshore mining policy progressing

Source:The National

A draft policy for offshore mining is in place which will cater for seabed mining projects, Mining Secretary Shadrach Himata says.

He said the draft policy would be brought before parliament for adoption first.

“We do have a draft offshore mining policy. We hope to bring this to parliament for adoption by fourth quarter this year.

Himata added that the draft policy was not yet a public document.

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The newest assault on the worlds oceans, deep seabed mining

Source: PNG Mine Watch

NGOs from Australia, Canada and India are calling for an international moratorium on deep seabed mining in light of the International Seabed Authority’s (ISA) issuing of 7 exploration licences for deep seabed mining in international waters.

Natalie Lowrey, spokesperson, Deep Sea Mining campaign:

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Who controls Bougainville

Source: PNG Mine Watch

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Nautilus Emergency Plan

Source: PNG Village

A computer diagram of the undersea mining of the Solwara 1 Project in New Ireland Province.

Nautilus Minerals, the developer of the Solwara 1 Project is currently developing a Environment Management Plan and monitoring programmes for the project.

According to Nautilus, this is a contingency plan to put to action just in case an unexpected incident occurs during the operation of the project that would require emergency response.

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Say NO to seabed mining

Source: The National

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Improved Service Delivery: System of Government or Decentralization?

The open workshop on the "Review of PNG's System of Government, Legislature and Service Delivery" hosted by the National Research Institute (NRI) held on the 7th August 2014, was a great insight to suggestive solutions to amplify service delivery in Papua New Guinea.

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Leaders Control Land

Source: Post Courier

QAQET (Baining) leaders of East New Britain have vowed to be united in thier stand regarding economical high impact projects on thier traditional land. This was made known in a meeting held lastweek at the Five Station conference room in Kokopo, and organised by the provincial administrator's office.

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Riio Tinto/ABG Game Plan for Paguna


Source: PNG Mine Watch

While it is fairly certain a few champagne corks were popped Friday night, as a conspiratorial session of parliament finally passed a legislation designed to uphold Rio Tinto’s leases in Panguna, and pave the way for other industrial mining operations.

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KBK Landowners apologize to Ramu Nico for Riots

Source: EMTV online

Kurumbukari landowners in the Bundi district of Madang have apologized to Ramu NiCo Management for the mob attack on KBK Mine last Monday.

Today, chairman of KBK Landowners Association, Mathew Denguo, said the attack was done by a minority group and does not represent all the landowners.

Mr Denguo said the act was criminal in nature and uncivilised, bringing shame to the landowners and disruption to the project.

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Welcome to the PNG Mining Cadastre Portal


Source: PNG Mine Watch

The Mineral Resources Authority of Papua New Guinea and Spatial Dimension have developed a Mining Cadastre Portal to improve transparency and promote investment in the Papua New Guinea mining sector.

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