Elizabeth1's blog

New Caledonia probes Vale incident

Source: Radio New Zealand

Reports from New Caledonia say an investigation has been opened after an incident at the Vale nickel plant.

The local newspaper says a device measuring the density of ore pulp was damaged in what the miner says amounted to a technical incident.

There was concern that a radioactive substances could have affected staff and the environment but a internal assessment found no risk.

It is not known what caused the glitch.

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A mining Bill from Hell

Source: PNG Mine Watch

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Police make arrests over mine raid

Source:The National

POLICE have arrested five men in connection with the raid and destruction of properties last week at the Ramu Nickel’s Kurumbukari mine site in Madang.

A Madang police source said the five were understood to be the main instigators of the raid last Monday.

The source said two of the people arrested were employed in the company’s community affairs department, two from a security firm plus a senior employee.

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Seabed Miners sign with East New Britain


Source: PNG Loop

Nautilus Minerals Ltd has signed an agreement with the East New Britain Provincial Government to strengthen the partnership between the two parties.

Nautilus Minerals country manager Mel Togolo in a statement said the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signified the commitment to and the continuation of a positive working relationship between the ENB Provincial Government and Nautilus Minerals.

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Forecast not affected

Source:The National

Ramu NiCo’s annual forecast production for this year will not be affected following attack on it’s employees by locals recently.

The Chinese owned nickel mine in Madang, which was shut for a few days following an attack by armed villagers, should still be able to meet its target of 22,000 tonnes of nickel this year.

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Tailngs Ponds are the Biggest Environmental Disaster You've Never Heard of

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Phtograph By: Jonathan Hayward, The Canadian Press

The scale is hard to imagine: gray sludge, several feet deep, gushing with the force of a fire hose through streams and forest—coating everything in its path with ashy gunk. What happened on Monday might have been one of North America’s worst environmental disasters in decades, yet the news barely made it past the Canadian border.

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Landowner chairman slams new Bougainville mining law

source: PNG Mine Watch 

This Law has taken away the Panguna SML Landowner’s right over their resources by giving easy access to Rio Tinto and its subsidiary BCL. Just have a look at Section 13 then the reverse in Sections 212, 70, 66, and 69. where our ABG Government drives the last and the final nail in our coffin.

Our President and his foreign legal expert, Mr. Tony Regan are lying all the way covering up for Rio Tinto and BCL.

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Momis-Australian Economic Pact and Bougainville's Future

source: PNG Mine Watch

The Momis-Australian economic pact developed since 2010 was sealed through the Mining Bill when it passed through Bougainville's parliament. According to its salesman this economic strategy will bring independence, jobs, money, and happiness.

But there is not one exampleto back up their claims. On the other hand we know from Bougainville's own history, and we know from the history of ex-colonial countries from around the world - still under the hoof of foreign powers - what will emerge.

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Full Bougainville mining law hoped for new year

source: Radio New Zealand

The president of Bougainville says he hopes to have a complete mining law for the autonomous Papua New Guinea province passed by the end of the year.

A new "transitional" law was passed last week to replace PNG mining law, which formalised the province's control of its own resources as laid out in the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

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Landowner: New trend evolving

Source: Melissa Martin, Post Courier

SPECIAL agriculture businesses lease (SABL) titles found to be defective by a Commission of Inquiry are mutating into a new scam.

According to landowners, there are early signs that a new trend of mutation is starting to take shape on defective SABLs, and as such they (landowners) have alerted the public to prevent this trend from taking root.

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