Elizabeth1's blog

Nautilus overcomes obstacle to seabed mining

Source: Radio New Zealand

Papua New Guinea's mining minister, Byron Chan, says an experimental seabed mining project could pump 300 million kina, or 124 million US dollars, into the country's economy.

The Canadian mining company, Nautilus Minerals, is set to begin mining the seabed off New Ireland in Papua New Guinea for metals, following a dispute resolution with the government there.

Miner appeals rejection of seabed project in NZ

Source: Australian Associated Press

A mining company is appealing the Environmental Protection Agency's decision to reject its application to mine ironsands from the seabed off the Taranaki coast.

The EPA's decision-making committee rejected Trans-Tasman Resources' application on June 18, which was seen as a victory for conservation efforts but a blow to the government's desire to help mineral extraction projects boost the economy.

Concerns as PNG prepares to return land to traditional owners

Source: Radio Australia

There's concern that logging of forests will continue (Credit: Audience submitted) 

Community groups have welcomed the Papua New Guinea Government's announcement it will abolish special agricultural business leases.

The leases paved the way for millions of hectares of customarily-owned land to be taken over by large corporations for so-called agricultural projects.

Governor calls for debate!

Source: Post Courier

THE proposal to mine the sea bed area between the west coast of Namatanai in New Ireland Province and East New Britain needs more public awareness and debate, says East New Britain Governor Ereman ToBaining Jr.

NZ EPA rejects Seabed Mining projects

Coastal Cliffs on Patea Beach

Papua New Guinea is in the same boat as the New Zealanders and the people's fight to conserve their native resources by which the oceans of water protects has come to success after which the Environmental Protection Authority proved that there is uncertainty in the environmental damage that will be caused by this experiment. Papua New Guinea governing bodies can feed off a lesson or two from its neighbouring pacific island country.

Tug of War over Seabed Mining


Source: PNG Loop

THE East New Britain provincial government has maintained that it must get 60 per cent of the equity shares of 5 per cent offloaded by the National Government in the Solwara 1 project.

This stance was reaffirmed during the Provincial Executive Council (PEC) meeting last week where Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) was invited to do a presentation on the equity shares between East New Britain and New Ireland provinces.

Lutherans urge PM to stop mining

The 1.2 million Lutherns represented by the Director for inter-Church Relation and Ecumenism stated that the Lutheran, PNG Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill should stop the experimental  seabed mining prospects as it goes against the teachings of God and that of which Lutherans (that contributed to the PMs position in parliament) to protect Gods creation.

Source: PNG Loop