
Governor calls for debate!

Source: Post Courier

THE proposal to mine the sea bed area between the west coast of Namatanai in New Ireland Province and East New Britain needs more public awareness and debate, says East New Britain Governor Ereman ToBaining Jr.

Mr ToBaining said proper consultation with the coastal communities in East New Britain, more awareness and more debate must be done by the developer – Nautilus Minerals – which intends to mine the ocean area in the Bismarck Sea, 30km from the nearest coast and at a depth 1600 metres.

The ENB Governor said this after inviting Nautilus Minerals chief executive officer Mike Johnson and his team to do a presentation before the East New Britain Provincial Executive Council (PEC).

This is a new approach initiated by Mr ToBaining to welcome developers keen to invest in East New Britain to present their products and make their intentions known to the PEC for debate and awareness or update on the progress of project already underway.

Another developer which embraced the opportunity to give its progress was Tzen Group of Companies, the palm oil developer in Pomio and parts of Gazelle district.

Mr ToBaining said his government holds the interest of the people and any project set to enter East New Britain Province must go through the PEC for debate and also to get views from the general public.

He invited Nautilus Minerals to an open forum next month in Kokopo, and also the general public, especially those living along the coastlines where the intended mine is located.