
Please take action NOW! to reverse the Environment Act amendments

Papua New Guinea has a new government and this creates an excellent opportunity for us to again press for the reversal of controversial amendments to the Environment Act that breach the Constitution and which were bulldozed through Parliament in May last year.

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31 SABLs never approved

By Luana Paniu

Landowners crying foul over issues surrounding the 72 SPABLs in question, should be interested to know that the Department of Agriculture and Livestock never gave their approval for 31 of them, says the Post Courier.

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DEC too busy to help landowners: Iamo

By Luana Paniu

People of remote Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Lease sites have the opportunity to air their grievances over proposed projects with potential environment risk but judging from the number of environmental issues surfacing, this has not been happening, reports the Post Courier.

Acting Secretary for Environment and Conservation, Dr Wari Iamo, clarified the processes and procedures within his department when appearing before the Commission of Inquiry last week.

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The New Bougainville Crisis

New Crisis, Old Story, by Martyn Namorong

The $14 Billion PNG LNG Project is viewed by many as the economic engine of Papua New Guinea. Does that ring any bells? Remember the copper mine at Panguna, it was set up by the Australians to be the economic engine of the newly independent State of PNG. A lot is at stake economically, with regards to the LNG Project in the Southern Highlands, just as it was with Panguna.

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Trade Justice Now! Latest newsletter from the Pacific Network on Globalization

By Lice Cokanasiga

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Bobby Kennedy nailed what is wrong with PNGs model of development

Forty-two years ago, in March 1968, Bobby Kennedy explained to Americans why they were wrong to judge progress through the prism of the US's gross domestic product, which made them slaves to consumption and the accumulation of material things. 

Exactly the same arguments apply equally well today in Papua New Guinea where we are constantly been told to judge the quality of our lives and our development progress through the prism of 'economic growth'. But economic growth does not reflect either what is really important or the daily reality of life in PNG for ordinary people.

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Lands Department fails to protect SABL files

By Luana Paniu

THE Commission of Inquiry has made a shocking discovery – that Land Titles filing is so bad there is no guarantee whatsoever for titles issued under the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL) have been saved and protected.

Chief Commissioner John Numapo and Commissioners Alois Jerewai and Andy Mirou were clearly unimpressed when Registrar of Titles for the Department of Lands and Physical Planning, Henry Wasa told them the filing system is so poor and outdated, it is like a library card system.

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Dion wants ENB excluded from SABL inquiry

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Month in Review: Important milestones to celebrate but fundamental problems remain

It has been a very interesting month with some highly contoversial changes on the politcal scene and some seemingly positive developments on ACT NOW! campaign issues.

While these developments have given some reason for optimism and celebration, many have mixed feelings and good reason for doubts remain.

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Lengthy processes surprise landowner

By Luana Paniu

A landowner was surprised to learn about certain procedures and processes in the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL) after attending the Commission of Inquiry which began three weeks ago.

David Kura, a landowner from Rikau village and a rep-resentative of the Rigula Oil Palm Estate which covers his village and two others, Gule and Levege. His village shares a common border with these villages.

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