
Govt continuing to ignore the people on PMIZ

PMIZ Watcher

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Lands given 7 days to reconstruct 18 files

By Luana Paniu

The Department of Lands and Physical Planning has been given seven days to reconstruct 18 more title files to be submitted to the Commission of Inquiry into the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases.

The files, which are part of the 75 SPABL cases now under investigation by the CoI, were reportedly destroyed or misplaced.

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O'Neill must probe corrupt deals now


Anti Corruption, Waigani

To avoid negative public perception that Prime Minister O’Neill’s anti-corruption drive as only a smokescreen to lull the nation into a sense of false security while the treasury is plundered unhindered and unnoticed with only 10 months remaining before the next general election, the Prime Minister must take swift action where it matters most.

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CoI must get to the bottom of the SABL issues


THE people in the rural areas want the government to thoroughly investigate the issuance of Special Purpose and Agricultural Business Leases (SABL).
 This issue affects more than 90% of the silent majority who live in villagers and remote communities.

These people do not even know that their customary land has been given to corporations with the backing of foreign-owned multi-national corporations. 
I was shocked to learn that over than 300,000ha of customary land in my area was given to a corporate entity.

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Loggers hit back against SABL inquiry - and just about everything else

The National newspaper, owned by Malaysian logging giant Rimbunan Hijau, and partisan supporter of the Ramu nickel mine and foreign owned resource operations in general, has taken a swipe at the SABL land grab Commission of Inquiry and just about everything else the government is trying to do to protect the interests of ordinary Papua New Guinean's. When your read your daily newspaper it is good to remember whose interests it is representing and protecting....

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Department of Lands still in the spotlight

By Eva Kuson* - Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Today’s hearing carried on from yesterday proceedings in identifying the files brought before the inquiry. Council assisting Simon Ketan made a brief formal opening on the preliminary findings and addressing also the legal issuance of the SABLs. He outlined the statement of case on which the Commission of Inquiry was ordered into the SABL and all matters relating to it.

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The villager is truly self-reliant in today's world of financial crises

VERY few things happen in isolation in today’s world of globalising business and commerce.

Rising cost of living throughout PNG is not just the price we pay for bad go­vernance but the net effects of a world gone crazy.

There is hyperinflation in the months ahead. The evidence is everywhere.

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More campaign success as 'super hospital' plans ditched

Papua New Guineans have another important campaign sucess to celebrate.

New Health Minister, Jamie Maxton-Graham, has announced the government will not be proceeding with plans to build a private 'super hospital' in Port Moresby.

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Further Delay in hearing of CoI, as DLPP unable to provide all 72 files on SABLs

By Eva Kuson - Monday 15th August 2011

The Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into Special Agriculture and Business Leases (SABLs) has yet again, been postponed to Tuesday 16th of August 2011, due to unavailability of all information ordered to be presented before the CoI. Last Wednesday, the Commissioners were advised by the Council Assisting, Mr Ketan, that all information will be collected by today (Monday 15th August 2011) but this has not been forthcoming resulting in the postponement.

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In defense of customary land in Papua New Guinea

By Martyn Namorong

The phrase “landowner issues” is a misnomer and gives the wrong impression that Papua New Guineas traditional land owners are somehow a deterrent to progress. Next week I travel to the Lower Ramu region to see for myself the land of a rainforest tribe of New Guinea being taken from them without proper consent.

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