
Peter O'Niel, what about the NPF scandal?

From ABC Radio

Papua New Guinea's new Prime Minister Peter O'Neil has made political stability his top priority in office.

 Earlier this week Mr O'Neil ousted Sam Abal as the country's leader, who had been appointed by Sir Michael Somare before he became ill.

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PMIZ catches Japan's eye

PMIZ Watcher

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ABAL: Commission of Inquiry into SPABL commences work

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We have too many dreams without meaning

By Joe Wasia*

SURE, IN THE MINDS of many Papua New Guineans, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project will bring a lot of changes into our country.  Yes, if revenues are managed and used well it will be a pillar of the economy. Or otherwise.

The question is: will our so-called leaders and bureaucrats manage the revenues from this project with the mindset of developing this nation?

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Over 2 million to be affected by upcoming drought in Papua New Guinea

More than 2 million people in Papua New Guinea stand to be affected by severe food and water shortages unless serious steps are taken to ease the effects of a possible drought in the next 12 months.

The warning came from Papua New Guinea’s National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) which says there has to be a collective effort by government agencies as well as communities to deal with the effects.  

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Abal announces commencement of Commission of Inquiry into SABL

Acting Prime Minister Hon. Sam Abal has announced the commencement of the Commission of Inquiry into the Special Purpose Agricultural & Business Leases (SPABL).

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DSTP decision not about justice!

What a sad day for Papua New Guinea, July 26, 2011!

For money we have been forced to bow so low to allow for mining companies to breach our laws and degrade our very beautiful environments that make up this country.

For money we boast world class mines that take and take and take and leave nothing behind. For money, we bow to promises that leave us stricken with economic poverty. For money, we beg for others to come and develop our country for us.

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PMIZ complaint accepted by the World Bank watchdog

PMIZ Watcher

In a major boost to their campaign against the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone and Special Economic Zone laws, local communities from Madang have had their complaint to the World Bank accepted by the official Ombudsman in Washington.

The Ombudsman has written to the communities confirming their complaint meets three strict eligibility criteria and an investigation team will be sent to PNG to look into the complaint.

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Ramu court ruling defies PNG's Fourth National Goal

In a major court room battle that started in September 2010, Madang National Court Judge, David Cannings has handed down a decision allowing Ramu Nickel to dump toxic mine tailings into the sea.

On behalf of 1040 plaintiffs, Louis Medaing and 10 others sought to prevent Ramu Nickel from causing public or private nuisance through their deep sea tailings placements (DSTP) system. They also sought to highlight that the Environment Act of the Papua New Guinea and the Constitution will be breached.

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Resource boom cause growing wealth divide in the Pacific: ADB Report


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