
A Drinking Song Tribute to Papua New Guinea’s First Irish Prime Minister, the Honourable Peter O’Neill

From the Peter O'Neill fanclub of POM

This is a very real and genuine feeling by a group of PNG middle class sporters concerning the new PM. Yes the wording is harsh in places but our politicians have been treated too delicately for much to long. Its time we catch up with the rest of the world and start really holding our pollies accountable. 

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Lands Department bosses to appear first

By Luana Paniu

Three key people involved in procedures to issue the controversial Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL) are the first to appear before the Commission of Inquiry.

Department of Lands and Physical Planning (DLPP) Acting Secretary Romlly Kila Pat, Acting Deputy Secretary, Customary Lands Adrian Abby and the Registrar of Titles Henry Wasa will appear before the CoI next Monday.

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Important progress in the people's fight against corruption


Papua New Guinea has a new government, and with it has come some very welcome progress in the campaign to stop the stealing of public money by corrupt politicians and public servants.

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SABL CoI Second day - 10 August 2011

By Evah Kuson*

Following on from the preliminary hearing on the Monday 8, August  Simon Ketan has now taken over duties from Davis Stevens as the new Council Assisting for the Commission of Inquiry. Chief Commissioner in his welcoming address thanked Ketan for his willingness to take this role.

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Sale of Falcon executive jet a smart move says ACT NOW!

The announcement by new Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, that his government will sell the controversial Falcon jet is a smart move, says ACT NOW.

"The Falcon jet was an expensive mistake that epitomized the greed and corruption of the previous government, it is a smart move by the new PM to get rid of what was effectively a ‘private PMV’ for the Somare’s and their supporters".

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Genocide in Papua New Guinea

By Martyn Namorong

This piece gets its title from the poem What’s Genocide by Carlos Andrés Gómez. Carlos’ insight into genocide is very profound once one reflects on the reality of today’s world.

The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide defines genocide in Article II:

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ACT NOW! welcomes O'Neill announcement on ICAC

ACT NOW! has welcomed the announcement by Papua New Guinea’s new Prime Minister that his government will establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

"ACT NOW! is very pleased the Prime Minister has pledged to establish an ICAC and has recognized the crippling effects of corruption in PNG”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW!

“ACT NOW! has been campaigning against the blatant stealing of public money and we see the introduction of an ICAC as a necessary step to tackle the problem, but it is only the first step of many that will be required.”

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The Darkness of Neon Lights

From Martyn Namorong


Tonight at Kaugere looking over the shanties

We see the glittering brightness of Overseas*

Creating The Darkness of Neon Lights

It is the loneliness and despair in the urban cities.

It is the alienation of LAND from rural people

That feeds the babes of rich people


We see true social security and happiness

Being diminished in the name of progress

The pursuit of large scale industries

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SABL CoI Introductory Hearing - 8 August 2011

By Evah Kuson*

The Commission of Inquiry (CoI) officially opened their investigations into the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL) yesterday (8/08/2011) with presiding Chief Commissioner John Numapo with Messrs Alois Jerewai and Nicholas Mirou.

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CoI Statement of Case

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