
Inquiry needs more time

The time frame of three-months for the Commission of Inquiry into SABL ends on October 21, but so much has yet to be done, reports the Post Courier.

The enormous number of irregularies discovered in many of the SABLs during preliminary findings as part of Terms of Reference (TOR) has seen 75 cases now before the Commission of Inquiry.

Since files were opened for mention two weeks ago, submitted evidence from all interested parties in the 75 SABL’s files revealed activities of; 

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Police bombarded with emails over Joy Wartovo case

More than 500 emails have been sent to the Papua New Guinea Police Commissioner from the ACT NOW!  website demanding action over the case of Joy Wartovo, who has been the victim of numerous serious assaults by her policeman husband.

ACT NOW! set up the email action on its website last Friday after seeing the huge response when a group of concerned volunteers established the Papua New Guineans Against Domestic Violence group on the social networking site Facebook. The group has attracted over 5,000 followers in just a few days.

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We need your help Papua New Guinean men

By Judy

The mama law stipulates that we women have much right to be heard and treated as any other Papua New Guinean; we need your help (PNG man) to make us feel safe at home, on the streets, on the way to office, at the office environment, in the settlements, in the villages, at the market; infact everywhere,wherever we are..

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The Real Question - and Answer

By John Perkins

As I prepare to give the keynote address at a conference of more than 4,000 Eurasian leaders in the information and communications fields (ICT Summit Eurasia), and as I walk through this very ancient city of Instanbul, visiting sites that date back thousands of years, I'm struck by these 3 facts:

For the first time in human history:

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Govt must set up ICAC to fight graft

By Jerry Tandawai

IF the government is really serious about combating corruption at all le­vels, then an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) must be set up immediately.

Setting up the ICAC has been mooted many times before in various public forums but nothing substantive has resulted.
 The main reason for inaction is that successive governments always lacked the political will to stamp out corruption.

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Australia housing proceeds of corruption in Papua New Guinea

By Dylan Welch*

Australia may be sheltering hundreds of millions of black dollars funnelled out of South Pacific countries by corrupt politicians and public officials, with the money laundering being tolerated by a disinterested federal government.

Papua New Guinea, in particular, is believed to suffer from the avarice of some of its officials and politicians, with a senior police officer recently claiming the country loses as much as 50 per cent of its budget - about $1.9 billion - through fraud and corruption every year.

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Prelude to the Commission of Inquiry

By Roderick Kanama

Rod will be providing daily updates from the Commission of Inquiry on this blog from October 10, in this article he provides an overview of SABLs and the issues confronting the CoI.

Land acquisition for developmental purposes has been a Government policy since 1979 when the instrument for Special Agriculture and Business Leases (SABL) was established, later incorporated into the Land Act in 1996. Its application had honourable intentions and was designed to achieve two main objectives;

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Violence against women campaign hits the headlines in Australia

ABC News Correspondents Report

EMILY BOURKE: Domestic violence is a tragic reality for many women in Papua New Guinea, a reality that is largely left unquestioned by the broader community.

 But the shocking case of a woman who's been repeatedly abused by her policeman husband has caused uproar. 

People have turned to social media, a recent phenomenon in PNG, to express their outrage and to demand police action.

PNG correspondent Liam Fox reports.

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Police Commander appeals for help in finding Joy's husband

Commander of police in the National Capital District Metropolitan Superintendent Joseph Tondop has called upon suspect Simon Bernard to surrender to police, according to the Post Courier

Bernard is wanted by police in relation to the assault, torture, kidnapping, rape and unlawful wounding of Ms Joy Guere Wartovo on at least three different occassions.
 The kidnapping, rape and unlawful wounding were alleged to have been committed by Bernard after he was on the run from police.

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Foreign policies are killing us fast

By Elizabeth Tongne 

Lots of things are happening around the country in Papua New Guinea at the moment and it seems different names are being use for the same thing.

Foreign policies promoted by global corporations and aided by the World Bank and overseas governments are killing us fast and we need to hold hands together so that we are not pulled apart.

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