
The destruction of livelihoods

PNG forest campaigner appeals to the O’Neil-Namah Government to address land grabbing in the country and help put a stop to it . . .

By Sam Moko

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ACT NOW! email action calling for suspension of logging tops 2,000

More than 2,000 emails have been sent to the government over the last five days calling for a suspension of logging within disputed Special Agriculture lease areas.

“This response to is the biggest we have ever seen to an on-line petition”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW! “People from all over the world have been getting involved”.

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Americans turn to small-scale farming as their model of development fails

Citizens of the United States of America are turning to small-scale farming to survive as their industries collapse, factories close and large-cities crumble. But with no land of their own on which to grow food they are having to reclaim urban spaces and abandoned lots, land which they could lose at any moment.

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Greenpeace blockades logging ship off PNG

By Eoin Blackwell, AAP 

Greenpeace has blockaded a Chinese ship carrying what the environmental group says are illegally-acquired logs from the Papua New Guinean island of New Britain.

The Chinese vessel, the Fu Tian, is docked in a lagoon near the village of West Pomio, where as many as 200 landowners have gathered to protest the logging activities of Malaysian owned company Rimbunan Hijau (RH) and its subsidiary, Gilford Limited.

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Major land scandal

Post Courier Editorial

Greenpeace yesterday sailed into remote Pomio in East New Britain to mediate allegations of land grab in the area.

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Saidor Health Centre - surviving on the dedication of its staff

By Scott Waide

Dilung Gama and her daughter Martina (pictured) sit on bed in a small maternity ward   at the Saidor Health Center.      

Martina  who suffers from epilepsy,gave birth near their village a few days ago.    

The  child has been given away for adoption and Dilung - who appears to be in her 60s  - says they did that because Martina has too many children.   

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Papua New Guinea faces logging threat

By Dr Craig Thorburn*

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Civil Society calls on government to act on SABL logging

This full-page advertisement appeared in the daily newspapers in Papua New Guinea today, 21 October 2011, in support of the campaign for the suspension of logging inside Special-purpose Agriculture and Business lease areas. You can send an email in support of the campaign here - ACT NOW!

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Pacific Islands Prayer


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CoI to visit SABL sites

By Luana Paniu

The Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL) will be carrying out site visitations commencing next week for substantive hearings into SABL cases [pictured is the Commission Chamber in Port Moresby].

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