
The theft and waste of public money in Papua New Guinea's Public Enterprises

Mekere Morauta, Minister for Public Enterprises

When the O’Neill-Namah Government took over from the Somare regime in early August, I was given the task of sorting out the mess which had been created among all of the state owned enterprises by the former Minister for Public Enterprises, the (currently suspended) Member for Angoram, Arthur Somare. 

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Report details unacceptable impacts from experimental seabed mining in Papua New Guinea

The Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and MiningWatch Canada and have released a new report called “Out of Our Depth”. It details serious environmental and social impacts expected as a result of unprecedented mining of the ocean floor in PNG.

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Western Province people robbed of their land

By Deborah Moses

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Purpose Agricultural and Business Leases (SABL) in the Western Province has heard more damning evidence of local landowners losing their land to conniving loggers without their knowledge, reports the Post Courier.

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou is hearing into SABLs granted for land portions 27c, 1c and 14c in the North Fly District where tragic tales of land loss similar to cases recorded in West Pomio and New Hanover are emerging.

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International Declaration: Stop land-grabbing now!

Papua New Guinea's land grab is part of a global phenomina that is being resisted by indigenous people across the planet. The fight against land-grabbing is a fight against capitalism, neoliberalism and a destructive economic model. 

Nyeleni, November 19, 2011

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We have got it wrong

By the Critic

Another story about our wrong model of development

Everyday I meet interesting people.

Two months ago, it was  a doctor - the Director of Medical Services at a provincial hospital. During our discussion, he  said  we – the PNG government – are putting money into areas that won’t improve the nation’s health.

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Startling revelations during SABL inquiry in Kiunga, Western Province

The Commission of Inquiry (“the Commission”) hearing on SABL in Kiunga, Western Province which commenced on Wednesday (16/11/2011) has already revealed some very disturbing information.

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Papua New Guinea a victim of a foreign economic system that manufactures inequality

We are all Occupiers

People the world over salute the Occupy movement for standing up to injustice and fighting for equality at the heart of empire


By Arundhati Roy*

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Commission of Inquiry on SABL commences in Kiunga, Western Province

The PNG Government sanctioned Commission of Inquiry (CoI) hearing into the issuance of the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL) commenced in Kiunga, Western Province on Wednesday, 16/11/2011.

The inquiry, which was supposed to have started on Monday (14/11/2011), was delayed due to Air Niugini not able to fly all the equipment and staff of the Inquiry into Kiunga on time. The hearing is being presided over by Commissioner Mr. Mirou.

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Transparency International 'part of the corruption problem'

From the PNG Exposed blog

Transparency International, which claims to be global watchdog on corruption, is in fact part of the corruption problem. TI misdirects attention away from many of the causes, beneficiaries and potential solutions to the theft of public monies.

TI labels countries like Papua New Guinea (currently ranked 154 out of 178 countries) as among the most corrupt while countries like Australia (currently ranked 8th) are lauded as among the least corrupt.

But scratch beneath the surface and what do we find?

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Commissioner warns Pomio executives against threatening witnesses

By Grace Tiden 

Members of West Pomio landowner company Memalo Holdings Limited including other locals have been warned not to issue any threats or statements that can be seen as an assault to the Commission of Inquiry into the granting of Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABLs). 

CoI Commissioner issued the warning last week following allegations of threats being made against women landowners in the West Pomio area. 

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