
Sepik SABL rights traded for millions on the international market

Timber rights in the Nuku Maimai SABL (Portion 26C) in West Sepik have been traded for hundreds of millions of dollars on the international market as the newswire story below reveals


Pacific Plywood Acquires Harvest Rights for 65,800 Hectares of Forest in Papua New Guinea

Total Investment Involves HK$310 Million

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Why we are fighting for a better Papua New Guinea

By Scott Waide

In Madang town today my wife and I met a child – a boy of about seven – no more than a meter tall. He was selling DVDs

I don’t always buy DVDs on the streets but there was something about this kid that drew my attention and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

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East Sepik people want four SABLs revoked

By Jimmy Kalebe

Landowners in the four Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) in East Sepik yesterday called on the provincial and National Government to revoke all SABL in the province, report the Post Courier.

In a petition drafted over the weekend by landowners from Turubu and Sausso Local Level Government and Nungwaia/Bongos, the people demanded that their land under SABL be returned to them.

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No money, no poverty, just happiness, pigs and prosperity in Vanuatu's traditional economy

By Kirk Huffman*

The Republic of Vanuatu in the southwestern Pacific is classed by foreign economists as one of the world's poorest nations. This mistaken view is only true if one believes that lack of modern money = 'poverty'.

Vanuatu consists of 83 inhabited tropical and semi-tropical islands with a current - almost completely indigenous Melanesian - population of around 230,000 which possesses twice as many languages and cultures as the whole of the (expanded) EU.

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Papa SABL land report is illegal: Renagi

The Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture Business Leases heard that an officer from the Department of Lands and Physical Planning illegally carried out a Land Investigation Report (LIR) on more than one thousand hectares of land which is the subject of the inquiry, reports the Post Courier.

The CoI also heard that he had conspired with another Lands officer in carrying out the LIR that covers 1058 hectares of land in portion 2485 C of Iarogala 1 and 2 in Papa Village of Central Province.

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Blind faith in a failed political system

For 36 years this political system has not solved your problems yet somehow the sheeple continue to have blind faith in a failed system. It’s produced the Bougainville crisis, the World’s third largest Environmental Disaster at Fly River, 5.2 million hectares of land stolen, human rights abuses and police brutality, massive theft of public monies, an education system that fails to produce nation builders, a health system that doesn’t work and etc...

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SABL title to be revoked

By John Pangkatana

LANDOWNERS not reflected in the Purari Development Authority (PDA) Inc. Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) for up to 700,000 hectares of land in the Baimuru District have won a psychological victory. The PDA land title is set to be revoked, reports the Post Courier.

This is understood to be one of the largest land leases issued under the SABL lease-lease back provisions for customary land instituted under the Government’s Lands Department’s new reform. 

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Lateline: PNG leases draw concern

ABC television Lateline:

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Post Courier: Lands Officer 'speaks'

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Oro SABL hearings put off

By Luana Paniu

The Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Lease (SPABL) Inquiry scheduled to be heard in Popondetta has been deferred. This is due to bridges washed away by last week’s floods damage.

The Girua bridge, which links Oro Bay to Popondetta town was washed away in 2007 by flood waters of Cyclone Guba disaster and since then, people had resorted to using the Girua crossing into Popondetta.

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