
Help stop an environmental and human rights disaster

Your help is needed to STOP an environmental and human rights DISASTER.

Two million hectares of forest are being clear-felled within Special-purpose agriculture lease areas in PNG despite gowing evidence the leases and the logging are totally illegal and cause irreversible environmental damage.

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Preliminary hearings on SABL concluded

By Roderick Kanama

The Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the Special-purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SABL) concluded its preliminary hearings today in Port Moresby [pictured Commissioner Jerawai and his Associate].

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LAND: That is what makes us special

By Martyn Namorong*

What is the first question a Papua New Guinean would ask another when they first meet?

“Where are you from?"

This question as innocent as it may sound had major consequences during those days of tribal warfare. For it was forbidden that one should trespass in another’s land or extract resources from it. The penalty was DEATH! That was the Law of the Land.

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ACT NOW! Campaign Update: More Success

There have been exciting developments on a number of issues on which ACT NOW! supporters have been making their voices heard; including the SABL land grab, violence against women and children, and the Environment Act amendments. You can find out more here:

SABL Land Grab

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Tearing at the soul of a fragile nation

By Jo Chandler*

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Prime Minister extends Commission of Inquiry

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says the government supports the Commission of Inquiry into Special Agriculture and Business Leases, launched this year, and has extended the timeframe from the Commission to complete its work by 5 months.

The inquiry was established by the former acting Prime Minister Sam Abal in July, for a period of three months and which was due to expire on Oct 25.

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SUCCESS! Govt to reverse Environment Act amendments

CONGRATUATIONS - the government has listened!

The O'Neill / Namah government has agreed to reverse the controversial and undemocratic amendments to the Environment Act enacted last May!

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CoI to start Provincial hearings

By Roderick Kanama

The Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SPABL also referred to as SABL) will commence its provincial visits as part of its preliminary hearings on Monday 24/10/2011. The COI is yet to commence substantive hearings and the time it was allocated to complete and make known its findings is almost over. 

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PNG's great land grab sparks fightback by traditional owners

By Jo Chandler

Developers hover as 5 million hectares, and national pride, are signed away in 99-year leases that have raised fears of corruption, reports The Age.

A LAND grab of 5 million hectares of Papua New Guinea, 11 per cent of its territory, has taken place quietly and apparently bloodlessly since 2003, half of it being signed over in the past two years.

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CoI announces regional hearing dates

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