
We need your help Papua New Guinean men

By Judy

The mama law stipulates that we women have much right to be heard and treated as any other Papua New Guinean; we need your help (PNG man) to make us feel safe at home, on the streets, on the way to office, at the office environment, in the settlements, in the villages, at the market; infact everywhere,wherever we are..

We do not want our children to grow up witnessing this violence and abuses we have received over generations. The Constitution preamble states... "that all power belongs to the people-acting through the duly elected representatives .... respect for the dignity of the individual and community interdependence are basic principles of our society... that we reject violence and seek consensus as a means of solving our common problems..."

Our Constitution shows us that because we are PNGs we do have right to live freely and go about our lives without fear from any men and should we come across violence and abuses we need protection; but right now there is none.

The law that is suppose to work is not working and we live in fear with our children day after day.
 We want to work with you men to build the nation by being women and doing what God has created us to be; we differ in our physical make to you men; but that should a good thing because that should tell you that we need you to protect us and our children; for they are the leaders of tomorrow; but these up and coming leaders need role models to follow when they are at this tender age.

We need you men to support us when we bring our concerns because " Violence Against a Woman is Against a Child" (in the home environment, at every level of our society). We hope they will not be violent to their family members when its their turn to be leaders of their family.

We the PNG women ask you men of PNG to stand together with us; so together we can build this nation that God has placed us in. So help us in Gods Name.