Australia's foreign aid largely wasted because of corruption
Submitted by ACTNOW on Thu, 07/04/2016 - 16:28Trouble in Haiti: Scene from Disaster Capitalism. Photo: Antony Loewenstein.
Source: Garry Maddox, Sydney Morning Herald, April 5, 2016
Trouble in Haiti: Scene from Disaster Capitalism. Photo: Antony Loewenstein.
Source: Garry Maddox, Sydney Morning Herald, April 5, 2016
The government is to ignore the SABL Commission of Inquiry and endorse the SABL land grab by converting the unlawful leases into registered land and issuing new leases to the logging companies.
Summary of paper given at the 2015 Waigani Seminar, by Tim Anderson
The government’s human rights record and its failure to protect the interests of customary landowners is under the spotlight in Switzerland this week.
Community advocacy group ACT NOW! is in Geneva briefing diplomats at the United Nations on the SABL land grab, illegal logging and experimental seabed mining.
Source: DevPolicy Blog
Source: Radio NZ
The Pacific Community says it is still not clear whether the potential economic benefits of sea bed mining will outweigh the negative effects on the environment and on local livelihoods.
The comments come after the SPC's proposed legal and regulatory framework on sea bed mining was accused of neglecting indigenous and environmental safeguards.
Source: The Christensen Fund
In the language of modern economics, the small island nation of Vanuatu in the South Pacific is labeled one of the world’s ‘least developed countries’. At the same time, Vanuatu has ranked number one on the pioneering Happy Planet Index. This incongruity points to major issues with today’s standard measures of human progress, and has many policymakers rethinking notions of wealth and how they shape development policy.
Papua New Guinea Correctional Service, Bomana Prison
Source: PNG Exposed Blogs
Here we go again. It appears there is a two-tier justice system, one for the poor and one for the rich.
Earlier this month the National Court sentenced a Bank of South Pacific employee David Poholi to five years imprisonment with hard labour, for misappropriating K688,000 from his employer, BSP.
Source: Cosmas Makamet, PNG Eco-Forestry Forum
Source: PANG
Blue Ocean Law and Pacific Network on Globalisation Release Legal Analysis of SPC-EU Regional Legislative and Regulatory Framework –
Calls for Greater Indigenous and Environmental Safeguards
Regional partners Blue Ocean Law and PANG.