Papua New Guinea is losing hundreds of millions of dollars in potential government revenue through tax evasion by the logging industry. ACT NOW! is calling on the government to take action - but we need your help!
The Panama Papers have helped expose how politicians, criminals and corporations around the world hide their cash and avoid taxes. In PNG foreign owned logging companies use the same tricks.
PNG is now the world’s largest exporter of tropical timber, but an investigative report by the Oakland Institute, The Great Timber Heist, has revealed most logging companies avoid paying a 30% corporate tax on their profits by declaring losses year after year.
Meanwhile the government is slashing spending on vital services, including rural health, because of insufficient revenues.
We are calling on the Treasurer to launch an immediate investigation into the logging industry and its tax record - but we need your help!
SEND your message to the Treasurer
It is clearly illogical for a company to stay in business if it makes loses year after year, but not only do these companies remain in business they are actually expanding their logging operations.
In total more than one-third of PNG is subject to some form of logging company control. This includes 5 million hectares taken from indigenous landowners in the huge SABL land grab. A Commission of Inquiry found most of the leases are unlawful, but, despite three years of promises, the government has not cancelled any of them.
All over the country, local communities are being deprived of their resources while their government turns a blind eye to the deceptive practices of the logging industry and the police officers that often work on their behalf. Now there is substantial evidence of tax evasion and financial misreporting.
Please help by calling on the Treasurer to investigate financial reporting by logging industry and the government to cancel the SABL leases.