Customary Land

Campaign Launch: Photo Diary

ACT NOW! launched its new camapign, titled 'Celebrating and Defending Customary Land', on April 17 in Port Moresby.

More than 30 people attended the launch event, including representatives from ten different media outlets and various civil society groups.

Camera crews set up their recording equipment

Campaign Launch: Celebrating and Defending Customary Land

ACT NOW! is today launching a new multi-media campaign titled 'Celebrating and Defending Customary Land'.


Well customary land is the most valuable asset available to most Papua New Guineans but its role and importance is often misunderstood or misrepresented, particularly by outsiders.

Too few people realise customary land supports an economy estimated to be worth K40 billion a year, provides jobs and incomes for 3 million farmers and provides housing and a sense of community for more than 7 million people.

Campaign Launch: Celebrating and Defending Customary Land

ACT NOW! is today launching a new multi-media campaign 'Celebrating and Defending Customary Land’.

Why? Well, customary land is the most valuable and important asset available to most Papua New Guineans but its critical role is often misunderstood or misrepresented, particularly by outsiders.

Too few people realise customary land supports an economy estimated to be worth K40 billion a year, provides jobs and incomes for 3 million farmers and provides housing and a sense of community for more than 7 million people.

SABL petition anniversary marks PNG's greatest ever scandal

February 21st is the first anniversary of the presentation of a 10,000 signature petition to the Department of Lands demanding the cancellation of the SABL leases. 2018, also marks five-years since the SABL Commission of Inquiry exposed the full extent of the illegal land grab, which affects more than 10% of the whole country.