Customary Land

SABL Scandal Buried and Forgotten

The government has tried to bury and forget the SABL land grab scandal in which more than 5 million hectares of land has been stolen from rural communities.

It is using a well tested formula that we see employed almost every time a new corruption scandal is exposed:

  1.  First a long-drawn out official inquiry that is delayed by funding and other logistical problems.

  2.  Then a further delay before the inquiry findings are tabled in Parliament.

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APEC warned PNG has poor record on food security

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! is warning APEC delegates attending the current Food Security Week in Port Moresby that the Papua New Guinea government has a very poor record on protecting rural famers and supporting local agriculture.

“In PNG we have more than 1 million local farmers who feed more than 7 million people every day, yet the government continues to allow foreign corporations to steal their land for logging and oil palm plantations” says campaign coordinator Eddie Tanago.

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Originally aired on EMTV's Olsem Wanem program, LIQUID GOLD is a short documentary film on the potential of the honey industry in Papua New Guinea.

The honey industry is a perfect example of how ordinary people can use their customary land for small and medium sized businesses that sustain their families and develop their communities.

Such enterprises also support the national economy, reduce our dependence on foreign imports and help make Papua New Guinea a strong, vibrant and independent nation.

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New Study Reveals Dangers Inherent in Land Registration

Photo: New oil palm planting and processing mill in Pomio District, ENBP

Customary land registration processes can easily be captured by local ‘big men’ and companies with disastrous consequences for local people. This is the conclusion drawn in a study on recent oil palm expansion in Papua New Guinea by academic Caroline Hambloch from the University of London. 

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West Pomio SABL Damages Assessment K2.4 billion

Communities affected by three Special Agriculture Business Leases in the West Pomio District of East New Britain Province have assessed the economic damage caused by logging and oil palm planting at more than K2.4 billion.

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West Pomio SABL Damages Assessment K2.4 billion

Communities affected by three Special Agricuture Business Leases in the West Pomio District of East New Britain Province have assessed the economic damage caused by logging and oil palm planting at more than K2.4 billion.

The damages assessment has been compiled by seventeen communities that have lost 42,400 hectares of customary land under the Pomata, Ralopal and Nakiura leases.

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Moni istap long graon long PNG: Bisnismeri itok

Frangipani and Galip Nut-PNG (Photo:Dorothy Luana)

Source: Caroline Tiriman, ABC Radio

Wanpla farmer na bisnismeri long Papua New Guinea itok, moni istap long graon na ol pipal imas iusim graon blong ol long mekim moni.

Dorothy Luana husat i gat wanpla Galip farm long Kokopo District long East New Britain provins i mekim despla toktok bihaen long emi wok long mekim gutpla bisnis wantem galip long Port Moresby.

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Edith Babul: A Plantation That Started With Ten Indian Guava Seeds

By Scott Waide | #Inspirational #Papua New Guineans

Twenty years ago, Edith Babul’s, young son, collected the seeds of a rather exotic Indian Guava fruit he found smashed on a road.

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