
MP Keen to develop East Sepik Oil palm

Source: The National

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Reconciliation from the heart

Story and Pictures by our Special Correspondent

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Only on Bougainville: A rather large sour treat

Panguna may have had the largest copper mine in the word back then, but it may now have the largest lemons. If you have the taste buds for lemon, then Panguna has more than a mouthful for you. On an afternoon spin up in the mountains of Panguna in Central Bougainville, the author came across what looks more than the conventional size lemon. As the picture below illustrates, the lemon is extraordinarily large. This lemon was able to fill more than one cup and sure enough there was more than enough lemonade that Sunday afternoon.

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Landowners celebrate victory over SABL portion 144c

By: Eddie Tanago and Jimmy Kalebe

TURUBU AND SAUSSO landowners in East Sepik Province have celebrated over the weekend after the National Executive Council and national court decision that nullified portion 144c.

More than 1500 landowner representatives gathered in a peaceful celebration last Saturday in Wewak to inform the authorities, company officials and other landowners that portion 144c is now revoked.

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PNG mine lacks public consent - campaigners

Source: Radio New Zealand

A campaign group says the Papua New Guinea government is going ahead with an experimental new seabed mine without the consent of the people.

The Canadian company, Nautilus Minerals, is set to go ahead with its Solwara One project off New Ireland - which will be the world's first extraction of minerals from the seabed.

PNG's mining minister, Byron Chan, says his constituents have been well consulted.

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Minister Maru assists landowners to stop illegal logging and palm oil developer

By Jimmy Kalebe, Communications Officer, Turubu Eco-Forestry Inc.

Minister for Trade and Industry and Member for Yangoru-Sausia, Mr Richard Maru on Wednesday night gave Turubu Landowners the green light to use the services of Mobile Squad 04, from Port Moresby to stop certain members of the local police that are interfering with compliance to a National Court Order by the Palm Oil developer illegally operating in Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) area Portion 144C, East Sepik Province.

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Mining Capitalism: The Ok Tedi disaster and how mining companies manage dissents

Source: Papua New Guinea Mine watch

Mining Capitalism takes us from the devastation of a river to the courtrooms and commissions where activists and thieves reimagine its truth and consequences. This is a thrilling story, and everyone should read it" - Anna Tsing, author of Friction

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Turubu landowners secure victory in SABL land grab case

The landowners of Turubu in East Sepik have won a National Court order cancelling the Special Agriculture and Business Lease over Portion 144C and declaring the logging of their land illegal...

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Malaysian plantation groups engage in unethical practices abroad

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Way forward for Bougainville is not in the mine, but in its people

Dansi Oerupeu

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