
United Nationa Report puts SABL land grab and illegal logging in a global context

A new report from the United Nations highlights the global cost of the illegal exploitation of natural resources and its role in preventing sustainable development for the world's poorest people.

Titled 'The Environmental Crime Crisis' the report estimates the illegal trade on natural resources is worth between US$70 and US$213 billion a year.

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NGO wants action on illegal PNG land leases

An NGO in Papua New Guinea says the Prime Minister's announcement that controversial land leases will be scrapped needs to be followed up with action.

Peter O'Neill has announced that Special Agriculture and Business Leases obtained illegally will be cancelled and provisions in the Land Act which allowed for SABLs to be granted, abolished.

He's acting on the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into the SABLs which was presented to the government nearly a year ago.

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Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says his government is serious in implementing recommendations made from the Commission of Inquiry.

His comments come after cabinet acted on the recommendations of the Special Agriculture Business Lease inquiry, cancelling more than 70 of the licenses.

It also comes at a time when his Commission of Inquiry into the Paraka saga almost got him arrested.

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Logging on SABL to stop soon?

Joy Kisselpar | PNG Loop

Logging activities on all 44 land obtained under Special Agriculture Business Lease will cease as soon as the National Forestry Authority receives confirmation from Lands department that the SABLs have been effectively revoked.

Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa says at this stage 25 SABLs have been returned and revoked however NFA is yet to receive confirmation.

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Politicians need to stay out of anti corruption inquiries

The people of PNG will remain skeptical about any anti-corruption bodies or investigations as long as they see politicians interfering in due process and trying to avoid legitimate questions.

Whether it is Task Force Sweep or an Interim Office Against Corruption politicians need to stay out and not use their high office and ready access to lawyers and the courts to manipulate the system.

When invited for questioning, arrested or charged, ordinary Papua New Guinean's cannot use the courts to try and avoid answering to normal police and court processes.

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The full NEC decision on the SABL land grab

Papua New Guinea Government

National Executive Council

Decision No: 184/2014


On 12th June 2014, Council:

1.  noted the contents of Policy Submission No. 157/2014;

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KASM chalks up 'amazing' win against seabed mining

Source: PNG Mine Watch


The two chalked messages made a dramatic change from the usual seabed mining signs. “Fabulous result KASM thankx” read the Raglan West roadside blackboard that usually advertises scooters for hire, while proudly graffitied on Whaingaroa Environment Centre’s front wall was a simple “We won!” with “No seabed mining” in smaller lettering above.

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Logging on SABL to halt soon

Action the talk and implement the cancellation of the SABLs!

Source: PNG Mine watch


Logging activities on all 44 land obtained under Special Agriculture Business Lease will cease as soon as the National Forestry Authority receives confirmation from Lands department that the SABLs have been effectively revoked.

Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa says at this stage 25 SABLs have been returned and revoked however NFA is yet to receive confirmation.

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PNG landowners will get their their land back this week says lands dep

Hundreds of thousands of traditional landowners in Papua New Guinea will get their land back this week.

Source: Radio Australia

A Commission of Inquiry into Special Agricultural and Business Leases, or SABLs, found widespread corruption and mismanagement in the government departments tasked with protecting landowners.

The land scandal saw millions of hectares of land leased without the permission of customary owners and the 99-year leases made no provision for rent.

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SABL land grab: O'Neill puts the fox in charge of the hen house

Source: PNGexposed blog

Lands Department Secretary Romily Kila Pat has has his dirty thieving hands all over the SABL land grab scandal – as we detail below.

But this is the man Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is entrusting with the job of revoking the illegal leases!

This is a complete joke and it shows just how shallow the Prime Minister’s commitment is to dealing with the SABL land grab.

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