
Scores arrested and beaten as West Papuans in Timika protest for a referendum

Source: Free West Papua Campaign

On 17th July 2014, hundreds to thousands of people outside the local Indonesian Parliament office in Timika, West Papua, peacefully protested for an independence referendum and for the release of the scores West Papuan political prisoners who continue to be held behind bars by the Indonesian government.

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Joint Statement on World Bank Faliure to Protect Land Rights and Prevent Impoverishment in Draft Safeguards

"... joint statement on the failure of the World Bank's draft safeguards to protect land rights and prevent impoverishment was just sent to the Committee on Development Effectiveness and other Executive Directors, with 111 signatories from around the world.  We will be sending out a media statement shortly - please help to spread it widely to journalists and social media..."

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The World Bank and the IMF Open up Ukraine to Western Interests

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The John Roka Memorial School

Words and Pictures by Nathan Matbob

John Roka was a loving father who did not think twice about his own life when he traveled back to be with his family during the peak time of the ten year crisis in 1993.  John, from Bali in West New Britain Province, married Theresa Pokamari from Enamira in Panguna, Central Bougainville in 1977. And both with their children lived in the mining town of Arawa. Stories from people who knew John personally often articulate John of a person who never held back anything; he was a very generous man.  

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Source: NBC News

The National Executive Council's decision to disband the Task Force Sweep Team has been permanently stayed by the National Court.
The decision was handed down this morning by Justice Les Gavera- Nanu.

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Why Bel Kol with BCL is not well received by local people of Bougainville

Special Correspondent in Bougainville

The Panguna Landowners Association executives and stakeholders have been blowing the Bel Kol with Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) trumpet over the past weeks creating awareness’s in and around Central Bougainville.

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World Renowned scientists urges Pacific Leaders to be cautious with oceans exploration


Makereta Komai in Palau
World renowned marine scientist, Dr Sylvia Earle has urged Forum Island Countries not to drop the ball on the sustainable management and protection of oceans and marine resources.

She is delighted with the initiative of the Palaun Government to make ‘Oceans’ the theme of the 45th Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in Koror, Palau this week.

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Office to weed out corruption in PNG

Source: Post Courier

THE Interim Office Against Corruption (IOAC), which was established by the government recently, would carry out investigative work to weed out corruption in the country.

Chairman of IOAC and former Judge Graham Elis said the IOAC intends to issue media releases every two weeks on its activities.

He said in a statement yesterday that the media releases would help inform the people of PNG and promote the goals of accountability and transparency that are the hallmarks of good governance.

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Collingwood Bay SABL titles cancelled

In compliance with court orders issued in May the Department of Lands has cancelled the SABL titles over portions 113C and 143C in Collingwood Bay, Oro Province.

This follows a successful legal battle by the customary landowners with the substantial support and backing of their Governor, Gary Juffa.

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Australian aid and trade watchdogs denounce Pacific Free Trade Agreement



Australian aid and trade watchdogs denounce Pacific Free Trade Agreement

For immediate release 23 July 2014

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