
Government puts foreign interests above the law and demolishes an important democratic principle

By passing amendments to the Environment Act, the government has put foreign companies above the law; allowed their commercial interests to trample all over the rights of Papua New Guinea’s traditional landowners; and undermined our democracy by removing the fundamental protection of the separation of powers.

Police frustration directed at the wrong target

The United Nations has reported that Papua New Guinea police systematically beat detainees, cripple those suspected of serious crimes and sexually assault female prisoners. These were the conclusions from a two week tour of the country by the UN's special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, who said police often brutally beat detainees with car fan belts, gun butts, iron rods and stones.

PMs backflip smacks of opportunism

The Prime Minister's decision to reinstate the financial powers of Minister for Planning, Paul Teinsten, seems to have more to do with political opportunism than good governance and sends all the wrong signals on corruption.

Minister Teinsten's financial powers were removed in response to serious allegations of fraud and mismanagement in his Department.

MEDIA RELEASE: 99% say PM not doing enough on corruption

Ninety-nine percent of people who voted in an on-line poll think the government is not doing enough to tackle corruption. The poll was conducted by ACT NOW!

Effrey Dademo, Program Manager, says, “the message to the Prime Minister and the government is clear. The people want to see much more action on corruption. That has to include prosecuting white collar criminals in the public service and those they conspire with”.

Somare Dangles the Political Lollies for the Pollies...

And they still don’t get it!
By The Insider
Last week the Prime Minister thanked Members of Parliament for support that came from both sides of the House during the passing of two Constitutional Laws – one for five new ministries, and the other to keep the 20 provincial seats.  

Resource Rage: Exxon-Mobil LNG project an impending disaster

How is it that a country as richly endowed with natural resources as Papua New Guinea with multinational mining companies flocking there like bees to a honey pot is actually going backwards when it comes to key social indicators such as wealth and life expectancy?

Well, in looking for answers to that imponderable, Dateline video journalist Amos Roberts travelled hundreds of kilometres into PNG's rugged highlands where the latest mega-project - the biggest in the history of that troubled nation - is under way. Here's Amos. 

MPs slackness an insult to Parliament

THE NATIONAL: PUPILS from the Salvation Army excitedly take their seats and have to be ushered in by several people.

They get a wave from NCD Governor Powes Parkop, and some wave back, happy a “big man” has recognised them. Parkop himself is standing deep in conversation with Member for Sumkar Ken Fairweather, who was first in the chamber but still late.