
Anti-graft bill through

Parlt passes ICAC Bill with 91-0 vote

By Isaac Nicholas in the Post Courier

PARLIAMENT has passed the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Bill with an overwhelming 91-0 votes.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, who introduced the Bill, said that was the first hurdle towards realising the establishment of an anti-corruption body.

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The SABL blame game – Who is to be blamed?

By Pasifika Wardrobes

The Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) is still an outstanding matter before the O’Neill led government, and the much talked about delay into addressing this massive corrupt scheme has prompted the blame game.

The blame game started when there was a delay by the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the SABL, and when one of the three commissioners in the inquiry failed to produce his report.

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SABL Ministerial Committee a joke

By Pasifika Wardrobes

Since the reports of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) were presented in parliament last October, Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill appointed a ministerial committee to look into the findings and recommendations of the inquiry.

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PNG govt. refusal asserts national sovereignty in experimental seabed mining dispute


The government must be congratulated for protecting PNG interests and rejecting the very poor agreement signed by the Somare government to support the proposed Solwara 1 experimental seabed mine, says community activist group ACT NOW!

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TIPNG calls on agencies to act on inquiry

From PNG Edge

Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) has urged all arms of government to immediately act on the recommendations into the SABL Commission of Inquiry (COI).

Executive Director of TIPNG, Emily Taule said the COI reports from commissioners John Numapo and Nicholas Mirou contained sufficient evidence of massive corruption, mismanagement and lack of coordination by key agencies including relevant government departments.

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World Bank Admits: 'Economic Growth' in Africa = Resource Extraction, Inequality, Poverty

New report shows so-called growth is 'bleeding Africa dry'

By Sarah Lazare

Africa's so-called growth is heavily dependent on exports of goods like oil, which siphon wealth out of the country.

(Photo: The Global Poverty Project)

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MSG cohesion in doubt over West Papua?

‘…Vanuatu is forcing the rest of the MSG to take a stand on West Papua - something that is bound to test the integrity of the grouping in the months and years to come. Its boycott of the leaders’ visit to Indonesia, which incidentally has observer status in the MSG grouping - is rooted in its conviction and clearly not mere politicking’

From Islands Business

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Land-lease overhaul needed: PNG Land Scandal Commissioner

The Chief Commissioner of Papua New Guinea's land scandal Inquiry says a whole new system of land-leasing is needed to put traditional landowners in the driver's seat for agricultural and other development.

From Radio Australia

Hundreds of thousands of landowners are waiting for the PNG government to act on its promise to cancel flawed Special Agricultural and Business Leases, or SABLs, issued for their land.

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Why Private Sector Minimum Wage-Earners are Missing Out on Resource Boom

By Dr. Odongo F Odhuno*

PAPUA New Guinea (PNG) is one of the fastest growing economies in the Pacific region. And in terms of the country’s current and future economic growth, PNG workers too expect to have a fair share of the benefits associated with the accelerating pattern of growth.

Booming Economy

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ACT NOW! disappointed with government


Community Advocacy group ACT NOW has welcomed Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s statement of revoking SABL leases however it is disappointed in the delays in implementing the process.

ACT NOW says there can be no excuses for the government to sit on the commission's recommendations, which was presented 6 months ago.

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