
PNG landowners call for action on flawed land leases

From ABC Radio Australia

One of the whistleblowers who gave evidence at the Commission of Inquiry into Papua New Guinea's land scandal is urging the government to act on calls for companies named in the final report to be investigated.

A company called Independent Timbers and Stevedoring stands accused of manipulating the supposedly independent lease approval process.

Landowners who thought they had only given approval for leases for a road project, found all their land had been leased out.

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Australian-led company named by PNG's land scandal Inquiry

From Radio Australia

A commission of inquiry in Papua New Guinea has recommended an Australian-led company involved in obtaining leases over more than two million hectares of traditional land be investigated for criminal misconduct and conspiracy.

Landowners told the Commission hearings their land, much of it pristine rainforest, has been leased without their permission.

The Commission found evidence of fraud by a company called Independent Timbers and Stevedoring.

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Team yet to meet to review SABL reports

By Joy Kisselpar on PNG Edge

The Ministerial Committee appointed by the National Executive Council (NEC) last year to look into recommendations made by the Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) is yet to convene its first meeting.

The three-member committee was appointed by the prime minister when the final reports from two commissioners of the inquiry were submitted to government.

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ACT NOW! says further delays in canceling SABL leases not acceptable

Community Advocacy group ACT NOW! says while it welcomes the Prime Minister's statement that illegal SABL leases need to be revoked, the delays in implementing this commitment are totally unacceptable.

On Thursday Prime Minister Peter O’Neill announced he is appointing a Ministerial committee to look into implementing the Commission of Inquiry recommendation that illegal leases be revoked.

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PM's announcement on SABL's increasing landowners frustration and anger

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Govt to cancel SABLs obtained illegally

By Isaac Nicholas in Post Courier

THE national government will start cancelling special agriculture business leases (SABL) that were acquired illegally and restart the process with strict guidelines to protect landowners.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill told a FM 100 Talkback show yesterday that Cabinet has appointed a ministerial committee headed by Forest Minister Patrick Pruaitch and relevant industry ministers of Lands (Benny Allen) and Agriculture (Tommy Tomscoll) to take note of the SABL Inquiry report and implement its recommendations.

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Pacific land grab among worlds worst says expert

From ABC Radio Australia

An international expert on land-grabbing says the Pacific has some of the world's worst examples of the practice.

Land-grabbing happens when, usually foreign companies, buy or lease large tracts of land for a pittance robbing traditional owners of a birthright that has been theirs for generations and which should be providing an economic future for their children.

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BRG Cautions O’Neill Government To Support SABL Commissioner or Face Grassroots Backlash

From Bismarck Ramu Group

Non-government organisation Bismark Ramu Group (BRG) is calling on Prime Minister O’Neill to support the call by SABL Commissioner John Numapo to revoke illegal SABL leases or face a swelling grassroots backlash throughout the country.

BRG spokesperson Rosa Koian said her organisation strongly supports Commissioner Numapo. “Over 5.2 million hectares of land are affected by these leases. Sixty six of the 75 leases investigated have been unlawfully issued.

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Palau's president says the Pacific island nation will ban commercial fishing, promote tourism

From Associated Press

The president of Palau declared Tuesday that his Pacific island nation will ban commercial fishing and become a marine sanctuary.

President Tommy Remengesau Jr. said in a keynote address to a UN meeting on “Healthy Oceans and Seas” that once current fishing contracts with Japan, Taiwan and some private companies expire only fishing by island residents and tourists will be allowed in its 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone.

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PNG NGO i tok ripot blong SABL i kisim longpla taem

By John Papik on Radio Australia

Wanpela Papua New Guinea NGO, ACT NOW! i sapotim ripot blong SABL olsem gavman imas hariap nau na rausim planti korap tok oraet oa agriman em oli bin givim igo long ol bisnis man long lisim graon blong ol igo long ol foran kampani.

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