
The SABL Commission of Inquiry reports

From PNG Exposed

The complete SABL Commission of Inquiry reports from Commissioners John Numapo and Nicholas Mirou can be downloaded here:

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Seeking a Campaign Coordinator: Exciting new position with ACT NOW!

Campaign Coordinator

ACT NOW! is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic campaigner for an exciting new position based in Port Moresby.

ACT NOW! is a leading community advocacy organisation that uses the internet to advocate for a better future for all Papua New Guineans.

The Campaign Coordinator will lead the implementation of campaign plans and supervise a small team of staff and volunteers.

The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and a passion for achieving change.

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Read the Finance Inquiry Commission of Inquiry report

Last month the courts finally lifted an injunction preventing the publication of the damning Commission of Inquiry report into corruption in the Department of Finance (the so-called "Paraka Scams').

The Commission spent several years investigating allegations of widespread corruption but in 2010, the day after its report was tabled in parliament, lawyer Paul Paraka and former Solicitor General Zachary Gelu obtained a court injunction preventing its publication.

After more than three years, that injunction has finally been lifted.

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Where is Alois Jerewai's SABL land grab report?

In September 2013 Prime Minister Peter O'Neill presented to Parliament the reports from two of the three Commissioners appointed to investigated the SABL land grab.

The reports revealed a web of deceit, mismanagement and corruption surrounding the allocation of SABL leases to foreign companies which, in many cases, the companies are using as cover for illegal logging operations.

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Zurenuoc outlines PNG anti-graft body’s roles


The Papua New Guinea Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will not take over the responsibilities of existing government agencies, says chief secretary to Government Sir Manasupe Zurenuoc.

Sir Manasupe said this when briefing the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Laws, Acts and Subordinate Legislation Tuesday on Constitutional amendments to establish ICAC and amendments to the Organic law on Provincial and Local Level Governments to establish the District Development Authority.

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Proud to be "PLES TYPE'

Scott Waide

“PLES TYPE” is the new “derogatory” term used largely by urban folk who are ashamed of their roots and proud ancestry. It is used by people who would rather abandon a self-reliant, “ples type” life to live a hand-to-mouth existence in towns and cities. 

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Samoa Chiefs fight for land

Samoa Observer

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Once the land is gone: A poem about land

By Maua Faleauto of Samoa

"Once the land is gone Sa Moa Sa Yoo nara"
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa-Sa Moa Tofa Soifua

Once the land is gone there will be no Sa Moa,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai foi ma se Sa Moa

Once the land is gone there will be no temple to the Ancestors,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai foi se malumalu o augatama

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Please sign petitions to help save Unitech

A long running battle between students and staff of Unitech continues against former Unitech chancellor Philip Stagg, former prochancellor Ralph Saulep, terminated unitech Professor Narayan Gehlot and highereducation minister David Arore.

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Indonesia interferes in the investigation in the death of a West Papuan activist

Source: Asian Human Rights Commission

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