
Oil palm project sets up nursery

Source: The National


THE multi-million kina Turubu oil palm project in East Sepik is working on its central nursery at Nungawa village in the Sausso area.

Landowner company chairman Aron Malijiwi said this 20ha main nursery area would supply planting material to the entire project on the SABL portion 144c in the Sausso and Turubu LLG areas.

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Pomio landowners demand PM action SABL report

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Malaysian palm oil giant tied to social conflict, deforestation in PNG says report

From Mongabay blog

Unlike other palm oil giants that have recently made strong commitments to eliminating deforestation and social conflict from their supply chains, Malaysia-based Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) continues to source palm oil associated with forest destruction and community conflict, argues a new report published by the Rainforest Action Network (RAN). 

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Illegal Logging Remains a Huge Problem - New Report

From Chatham House UK

Illegal logging remains a huge problem in Papua New Guinea according to new research published by the Chatham House research centre in the UK.

The research on PNG is part of six new country studies released today. 

In this latest research, undertaken in 2012-13, the six countries assessed were: Papua New Guinea; the Democratic Republic of Congo; Republic of Congo; India; South Korea; and Thailand.

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Sepik SABL oil palm project will go ahead

From Post Courier

Trade, Commerce and Industry Minister Richard Maru says the Sepik oil palm project will go ahead despite opposition by certain landowner groups in the Sepik plains.

Mr Maru said the project has the backing of a large majority of the people and that the paid advertisements by a minority faction has sparked out cries by local people on the ground.

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Does the church care any more on West Papua?

Little Green Palai 

Every Sunday we dress up and we go to that church down the road. We clap and sing praises to God and listen attentively to the preacher’s words.

Oh alleluia, outside the church building a woman in rags drags her children to a place somewhere but we do not want to be bothered. She is just a poor woman and right now… we are busy with God.

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Goi Bal is working hard to build an aid post for his community from his own funds

By Rachel Shisei from Bismarck Ramu Group

Goi Bal is just a driver who helps his people to travel from Jimi to Banz in the Jiwaka Province, to access the basic services. His transportation service is much valued by the people of Jimi but to him, that doesn't solve anything, especially when it comes to accessing and getting medical help in time to save the innocent lives.

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Pacific Islands At Sea Over Land Rights

By Catherine Wilson and Inter Press Agency

Photo: Customary land tenure underpins subsistence and smallholder agricultural livelihoods for many Pacific Islanders. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS.

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ENB, New Ireland seek govt autonomy position

By GRACE TIDEN in Post Courier

THE autonomy committees of East New Britain and New Ireland Provinces have demanded the national Government to declare its position on autonomy by June 30 this year.

A joint statement was released last Friday during the signing of the two committees’ communiqué following a one-day joint consultative meeting in Kokopo.

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New SABL advert on three radio stations

A new 30-second radio advert is being broadcast in Papua New Guinea this week as part of the campaign against the SABL land grab.

The advert calls on Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to implement the Commission of Inquiry recommendastions and revoke the unlawful SABL leases and stop the illegal logging. 

The advert is being broadcast on the popular Nau FM and Yumi FM stations and also on Legends FM.

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