
Fresh OPM clash


The Indonesian military and OPM elements have engaged in another shootout on the Papua New Guinea-Indonesia border, forcing the closure of a primary school and restrictions on traditional border crossers.

According to intelligence sources on the ground the gun battle lasted for about 30 minutes Wednesday between 8 to 9am before the OPM (Operasi Papua Merdeka) withdrew to the nearby jungle. There are also unconfirmed reports of a skirmish between the two sides at Taimi River, some 10 kilometres west of the border and not far from an Indonesian military Forward Base.

The PNG Government has beefed up the strength of a PNG Defence Force unit at its Wutung border post – in response to the clashes – with another section arriving from the Vanimo Forward Base recently, said the intelligence sources.

Ian Jinga, the National Security Advisory Council director general, confirmed the clashes in an interview with the Post-Courier yesterday and said the PNG Government is aware of the situation and the border clashes.

A team comprising officers from the PNG Foreign Affairs Department, PNG Customs, PNG Immigration Authority, PNGDF, the Royal PNG Constabulary, National Intelligence Organisation and the NSAC is currently on the ground in Vanimo to investigate reports of border incursions, establish the facts and then report back to the Government on a course of action.

“That team will establish the facts and then report to NSAC and then the NSAC will take appropriate measures to deal with the issue. Already the Secretary for Foreign Affairs summoned the ambassador for the Republic of Indonesia to communicate a diplomatic note expressing our serious concerns on the incidences of border incursions and the possible spillover effects of what had transpired over the weekend,” he said.

When asked if there were any fatalities on the PNG side of the border, he said no Papua New Guinean lives were lost so far and properties were not damaged. Classes at the Wutung Primary School were suspended for the day and will resume today, said the intelligence sources.

The fighting coincides with a global protest by pro-West Papua sympathisers on the eve of Indonesia’s national legislative elections, which were held yesterday. The protest in West Papua led to the lowering of the Indonesian flag and the raising of the West Papuan pro-independence movement’s Morning Star flag last weekend, which also triggered a gun battle.

The closure of the border to traditional border crossers is beginning to affect the Wutung community as it is running short of food because their gardens are on the Indonesian side of the border.

The PNGDF and PNG Government officials have stopped the villagers from visiting their gardens, which has compelled the villagers recently to appeal to members of the OPM to leave their area so they can access their food gardens.