Klaireh's blog

A Measure of Development

‘A hive of activity’ and ‘a storm brewing’ are two phrases that have different connotations, one simply  meaning a lot happening and the other implying the situation about to get volatile. But both to do with many things happening in close proximity. Well how about inside one’s head, one’s thoughts for proximity?

Inside my head there has been ‘a hive of activity’ and at one stage you could have even said that ‘trouble was brewing’ because of one statement that really hit home because it was said by someone whose opinion is of great value to me.

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The SABLs Fight is Far From Over

via Post Courier p. 17

Landowners are committed to fight against the Pomio SABLs despite a court ruling yesterday. Pomio landowners are disappointed at yesterday's Supreme Court ruling that upheld the appeal by Memalo Holdings, the landowner company holding the two disputed  SABLs in West Pomio, but have resolved to continue their fight.

The full bench of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Memalo Holdngs in their appeal against the Judicial Review by landowners opposing the SABLs, due to the delay in making the Court application.

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Congratulations Once Again UPNG students!

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Police Fan belting

Buai, Mosi, Yabui, Buatau, Buwa, Vui, Beda and Guria are a few of the different names (out of the 800+ languages we have) we have for betel nut or areca nut in Papua New Guinea.

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Plot against PM

O’Neill Down Plays Moves for a Vote of no Confidence Against him by his Government


POLITICAL Party leaders and powerbrokers are reportedly conspiring to oust Prime Minister Peter O’Neill through a vote-of-no confidence on the eve of 2012 General Elections.

But last night a cool Mr O’Neill told Post-Courier

“ I am safe.”

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Street Vendors Oppose Ban


THE rise in the number of street vendors in Port Moresby is likely to continue despite a ban imposed by police, vendors said.
National Capital District and Central commander Assistant Commissioner Francis Tokura announced a ban on street vendors this week.


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Grey, Black, White, Blank...AND Color!

There are many different ways of looking at things. That is a fact. Some see black, others see the white in the picture, others with an eye for detail can see where the black ends – clearly. How I wish I were one of those with an eye for detail!

Those that see black and white probably have life easiest, if you can differentiate the black from the white it makes it easier to pick out either color, so everything can be arranged, categorized, sorted and you only have to decide between two very distinctly different colors.

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Kiwis Against Seabed Mining

There are significant unanswered questions about the socio-cultural and environmental impacts of seabed mining and of its underlying science. We need to adopt a precautionary approach and lets decide how we can better balance corporate profits with the need for conservation, human rights, advancing scientific knowledge and sustainable development.

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Warriors Became Worriers

*Bipo bipo tru, long taim blong tumbuna, we were Warriors.

When we were warriors there would be certain people that were skilled at fishing or hunting or were skilled in gardening or some other craft. When we were warriors we lived in harmony with plants, the rivers, the fish, our *masalais and Mother Nature knew us like we knew her. When we were warriors we did things that would benefit our family, tribe or our clan. When we were warriors honor and self-respect were extremely vital in all parts of Papua New Guinea.

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