
Grey, Black, White, Blank...AND Color!

There are many different ways of looking at things. That is a fact. Some see black, others see the white in the picture, others with an eye for detail can see where the black ends – clearly. How I wish I were one of those with an eye for detail!

Those that see black and white probably have life easiest, if you can differentiate the black from the white it makes it easier to pick out either color, so everything can be arranged, categorized, sorted and you only have to decide between two very distinctly different colors.

Then there are the poor cursed grey seers. Who find it extremely difficult to decide between three colors and to make matters worse they find it difficult to distinguish where the white starts, where the black stops and grey just seems to be everywhere in the most unexpected crotches, in places where you’d think you would see either black or white. Yes – life is very complicated seeing in grey.

The unique and extremely gifted ones with excellent eyes can see finer details! They see where exactly the white starts, where the white stops and where the black is actually painted. Most importantly, they can tell the difference between what white paint is and what an empty spot on the canvas is!

So where does this color talk tie in into issues that affect us as Papua New Guineans. Fact is we can blog about the issues until the cows come home (and black blushes) but in the end how you see things will dictate how you categorize, sort, think about and do things. How you perceive things will always determine how you act upon them. If we want to make a difference for the better of Papua New Guinea and Papua New Guineans so that what resources we have are fairly distributed, so that we are all treated and given equal opportunities to progress no matter our tribe or gender, the first thing we must do is try to change how we perceive things.

There is hope! When you change, everything else changes! Attention to detail is something that can be learnt if you pay attention and listen to the world’s BEST TEACHER…experience!

Experience can eventually change all of us (given that you actually take heed, listen, pay attention etc) who are blind to the finer details and find it difficult to work out what’s black, what’s white and what’s blank.

When we start seeing things clearly – we should realize that we the people are the reason there is Papua New Guinea, that we as a people are more powerful than any national sovereignty. When we finally realize that people should not be afraid of their governments, however governments should be afraid of their people…Then you know that you’ve surpassed seeing in grey, black, white and even blank – you now know that you are finally seeing things in their true color. BLACK, WHITE, RED AND GOLD!

Stand for Something…or You Will Fall for Anything!

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