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Storytelling and Food: How Pacific Islands are Revitalizing Pride in their Food Culture

Source: AgroEcology Fund

Rucha Chitnis

Jennifer with two Gorarave girls preparing for "Womanhood" ceremony 

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Village Coffee: a better deal for PNG growers


                                                                                       Written by Pana Wiya

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Returning to the Land for Sustenance

Source: EMTV Online

The scorching 2pm Port Moresby sun was nothing to worry about as mothers were busy on what they do daily; toiling the land not far from the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea.

EMTV Online spot the gardeners today (Wednesday, August 9, 2017) as they were busy planting, watering and digging at the backyard of Fincorp building near the National Parliament.

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ACT NOW! in SABL call to new Ministers

New Ministers called on to confirm SABLs cancelled, logging stopped and police withdrawn

ACT NOW! is calling on the newly sworn in Minister for Forests, Douglas Tomuriesa, the new Minister for Lands, Justin Tkatchenko, and new Police Minister, Jelta Wong, to confirm the cancellation of all SABL leases.

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US retail one end of supply chain for illegal PNG logs

Bewani landowners walk across pile of felled logs, West Sepik Province

Bewani landowners walk across pile of felled logs, West Sepik Province Photo: Global Witness Media

Source: Johnny Blades, Radio New Zealand

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Petition calls for ICAC within 100 days

ACT NOW! has launched a petition calling on newly elected MPs to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption within 100 days.

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Electoral Commission silences political blogger’s comments

Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato is trying to silence criticism over an appallingly planned and executed National election by attacking blogger and activist, Martyn Namorong (pictured above)

SOURCE: Pacific Media Centre 

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Experimental Seabed Mining and the Controversial Solwara 1

Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch

Peter Neill – Director, World Ocean Observatory | Huffington Post | July 11, 2017 

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From ‘anticipation, excitement’ to dictatorship fears in general election

Engan voter protesters in Wabag demand "no more corruption". Image: Peter S. Kinjap

Source: Pacific Media Centre

Feelings of “anticipation, excitement” first gripped Papua New Guinea as polling in the general election opened last month.

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Election chaos

SOURCE: Charles Richardson / CRIKEY

Papua New Guinea, Australia’s former colony and nearest neighbour, has been going to the polls in a parliamentary election that concludes tomorrow. As is common in countries with major logistical challenges, voting has been staggered over a two-week period.

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