Model of Development

Cancel all seabed mining licences: Locals


Source: Loop Business, April 24, 2019 

The risks and uncertainties of experimental seabed mining are too great to allow this industry to ever proceed in Papua New Guinea. 

This was the view shared by seabed mining advocates, together with locals of West Coast Namatanai and representatives of Duke of York Islands, East New Britain Province, during an open forum in Namatanai. 

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Land Summit warning viewed over 13,000 times

A short video warning customary landowners about the government’s intention to use the National Land Summit to spark a new land grab has been viewed more than 13,000 times in less than a fortnight.

Produced by ACT NOW!, the video explains how the Land Summit will lead to commercial banks and foreign companies being given more access to customary land. This is in response to the government being forced to stop the issuing of new SABL leases.

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Giraun Bilong Yumi, Win Mani Bilong Ol

This advert was published in The Wantok newspaper on March 14, 2019 and will be appearing in the lead up to the National Land Summit 2019 at the begining of May. 

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New video warns of Land Summit dangers

ACT NOW! has released a new video warning of the dangerous intent behind the government's National Land Summit and their agenda to allow a new land grab led by commercial banks and foreign corporations.

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Land Mobilisation and PPP Regimes Swindling the People

By Franklin Kolma / Post Courier

A development researcher has found that land mobilisation and Public-Private Partnership policies renders legitimate traditional land and resource owners mere spectators.

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