Model of Development

ACT NOW reaching remote villages via USB sticks

A simple Flash Drive can be an effective education and awareness tool

Sia village in the Sohe District of Oro Province is a difficult place to reach from the outside.

With no road linking the community to the outside world, the only options are three hour dingy ride along the coast from the Provincial capital, Popondetta, and up the Mamba river, or a three to four day walk.

Frieda river mine will destroy lives and livelihoods

The proposed Frieda River mine complex showing the 123km2 that will be flooded to hold the mine waste rock and tailings and the scale of the mine pit itself. Photo: Panaust

The proposed Frieda River copper and gold mine is set to destroy the livelihoods of thousands of local people who currently depend on small-scale alluvial mining for their jobs and income.

Court Halts Logging In Musa 

Loop PNG

The Popondetta District Court has issued court orders on companies operating in the Musa Foru area, from carrying out any logging activity. 

Governor for Oro Gary Ju a has applauded the move, saying Musa Century Limited and Musa Valley Management have been prevented from logging activities including the shipment of logs from the area for a period of 90 days, until issues pertaining to the concerns of the landowners are addressed.