
Govt must act on continued abuse of Forest Clearance Authorities

The government must act to stop the ongoing abuse of agricultural clearing permits which are being used as a cover for large-scale selective logging.

Forest Clearing Authorities are being routinely misused to facilitate large-scale illegal and unsustainable logging. They are supposed to be used to authorise the clearing of small discrete areas of forest for agriculture planting but this concession type is now responsible for the largest share of PNG’s log exports, according to government statistics.

Media told to report on Environment and Forest Crime

Post Courier II 3rd MAY 2024

The Media Council of Papua New Guinea (MCPNG) is calling on it’s membership in the mainstream media sector of the country, to increase their coverage of environmental issues, to look past the developmental benefits of our natural resources and also shine light on government entities charged with the responsibility as gatekeepers of our country’s natural resources.

Corruption Committee emphasises accountability of DSIP Funding

EMTV NEWS II 19th April 2024

As a priority area of action, Transparency International Chairman and Community Coalition Against Corruption (CCAC) co-Chair, Mr Peter Aitsi emphasized on the matter of greater accountability of public funds distributed through District Services Improvement Program Funding (DSIP) and Public Procurement. 

Ombudsman Congratulated for stand on District accountability

Round of applause to the Ombudsman Commission (OC) for taking the step in ensuring Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of all District Development Authorities (DDAs) are well equipped with the knowledge to manage the District Services Improvement Program (DSIPs) Funding. Not only that, but they have been informed by OC that they are subject to the leadership code just like MPs, government secretaries and those public servants subject to the leadership code. They are required to produce annual returns and most importantly ensure the smooth and transparent expenditure of DDA funds.

DIRD: Submit all acquittals

The National | February 6th 2024. 

Members of Parliament have been warned to submit acquittals to the Department of Implementation and Rural Development.

Department Secretary Aihi Vaki urged MPs to comply with the law. “MPs need to take responsibility and provide their district and provincial acquittals,” he said.

Vaki said it was routine process which required provincial and district administration to submit the acquittals reports.

Economist Blames Lack of Accountability and Monitoring

The National | February 7th 2024

There is a lack of accountability and monitoring of Service Improvement Program (SIP) funds in the country, as economist says.

Maholopa Laveil, a University of Papua New Guinea School of Business and Public Policy economics lecturer, told The National that the last audit for these funds were carried out more than six years ago.