
No permits for logging violators

Source: The National

FOREST Minister Douglas Tomuriesa has assured Parliament that he will not renew any permits or agreements for logging companies that do not comply with the country’s laws.

He said that yesterday in response to Manus MP Ronny Knight’s concerns of a foreign logging company operating in the West Coast of his district.

“Logging has again been done in the Nyada-Lessau area of Manus by a company called Super Green,” Knight told the House.

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This could be a Bermuda Gold Rush


Source: Nick Duffy for Bermuda Sun

Will Bermuda make it rich on the back of Papua New Guinea's experiment with seabed mining - or will it 'be ground zero for an unprecedented marine catastrophe'?

While many were Americans, the Gold Rush also attracted tens of thousands from Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America. *MCT photo

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No Log Exports

Source: Post Courier

FOREST Minister Douglas Tomuriesa has assured parliament that the Government will phase out round log exports and encourage domestic processing.

"We will not renew any more FMA (Forest Management Authority), FCA (Forest Clearance Authority) or timber permit," Mr Tomuriesa said.

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Knight: Probe logging

Source: Post Courier

A LOGGING company (named) has conducted illegal operations on the West Coast of the island province, claims Manus MP Ronny Knight.

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Nautilus Petition gets 7,980 signatures


Source: PNG Loop

An online campaign to collect signatures to petition against Canadian-based Nautilus Minerals for the undersea mining operation in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has today reached 7,980 , just 20 shy of the target which is 8,000.

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Cooks in debate over seabed mining

Source and Picture: Radio New Zealand

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Mining Companies Don't take into account the cost of community conflicts

Source: Wall Street journal written by Ryan Dube

LIMA, Peru—Mining and hydrocarbon companies are failing to take into account the full cost of community conflicts, which are a major risk for resource projects world-wide, according to a new study released Monday.

The study, which was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the U.S., looked at 50 projects around the world that have faced community opposition.

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Goroka Appreciates Baby Deliverers

Midwifery Day was celebrated in Goroka on the 5th May 2014. The event took place to commemorate the hard work of mid wives across the country. Eastern Highlands Province came alive when mid wives across the Province gathered to celebrate their work and discuss issues that affect them and their work.  Groups present to celebrate the day include Goroka General Hospital Staff, Kainantu District, Ungai Bena District, Lufa District and Henganofi District. Below is a brief of the celebration.


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Is Eastern Highlands Synonymous with Coffee?

By Dirong Gomon, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province

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New billboard outside Parliament sends clear message to PM: Revoke all unlawful SABLs

A new billboard with a clear message for the Prime Minister has been erected in central Waigani, right under the noses of Papau New Guinea's MPs.

The billboard is on the busy roundabout outside the Somare Foundation Building on Sir John Guise Drive - right in the path of everyone travelling to Parliament and infront of the offices of the Department of the Prime Minister and NEC.

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