
PANG supports demand for World Bank to end its support for resource grab

PANG supports demand for World Bank to end its support for resource grab
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Nautilus has NOT reached agreement with PNG

Canadian mining company misleading investors and the markets

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Thing #2 - Companies should not run in the interest of their owners

Source: 23 Things They Dont Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang

People – important people, designate regulations and rules. In this instance a market that is making money out of a business is being governed first and foremost by the rule makers who we mark out to be shareholder(s) incentivizing them to maximize company performance, maximizing social contribution, and in turn amplifying shareholders income. This gives basis of a company run by selfish interest of its governed owners.

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PM assures landowners SABLs will be reviewed

Source:The National

SPECIAL Agricultural Business Leases (SABLs) which are not genuine will be cancelled, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says.

He said Cabinet had set up a ministerial committee to look into the recommendations in the SABL inquiry report.

He said the committee would recommend to the Government what actions to take.

“We are now going as far as trying to cancel many of the leases,” he said.

“I want to assure the nation that most of the leases that

are not genuine have taken

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Help save the oceans of Papua New Guinea from Seabed Mining

Source: Care2

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Islander backs MP over sea mine

Source: Post Courier

A Manus Islander has come out in support of Northern Governor Gary Juffa and Sumkar MP Ken Fairweather’s stand against Nautilus Minerals Solwara 1 deep sea mining project in the Bismarck Sea.

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Activist Group Slam Seabed Mine Decision

Source: Post Courier

THREE environment activist groups have condemned the state decision to fund the controversial seabed mining project in New Ireland Province.

Bismarck Ramu Group, Act Now and Pacific Network on Globilisation (PANG) raised concerns of the government neglect to fully consult the west coast landowners of the unknown environmental impact that will result in construction phase of the project.

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Ministerial committee to meet on SABLs

Source: The National

PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill says a ministerial committee to implement the recommendations from the inquiry into Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABLs) will meet next week.

This follows concerns by Enosh Janduo, the president of the Sausse local level government (LLG) in Yangoru-Saussia district,  East Sepik, during a visit to Yangoru on Wednesday.

Janduo told O’Neill that the people were victims of the SABL where there had been a lot of land grabbing.

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Local vegetable production in Papua New Guinea

Source: Agricultures Network

Improvements in vegetable production, transport and marketing are important to the well being of small holder farmers in Papua New Guinea, and opportunities for strengthening the industry and enhancing performance can be achieved by use of value chain analysis.

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Juffa on Nautilis

Source: EMTV

Northern Governor, Gary Juffa, has raised concerns over Nautilus Seabed Mining Project, which he dubbed illegal.

Governor Juffa said Deep Sea Mining has been banned in Australia and in Namibia, and already 20, 000 people in PNG have petitioned Mining Minister, Byron Chan, in October last year. Mr Chan said to respond in two weeks, but it has taken him one whole year.

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