
The Papua New Guinea activist group ACT NOW speaks out about Australian banks involved in land dealings

Source: Radio Australia

The comments come in the wake of the release, earlier this week, of a report by Oxfam which found all of Australia's big four banks are involved in financing relationships with companies with links to unethical practices over land in developing countries.

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Long time resident not happy with forced eviction by Rimbunan Hijau

Source: PNG Exposed

Lina Gawi, from Geborobi village in the East Sepik Province, settled in Bumbu when her daughter was seven years of age. Now she is a mother of 5 adult children, She was not very happy when the bulldozer belonging to RH bulldozed the area which they called home for the past 40 years,

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23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

Abstracted from the book “23 Things they don’t tell you about Capitalism

Blurb: This lighthearted book has a serious purpose: to lay bare the assumptions behind today’s dominant economic dogma. As the acclaimed economist Ha-Joon Chang shows with crisp, ironic wit, all economic choices are also political ones, and its time for us to be honest about them. 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism reveals how global capitalism works – and doesn’t.

We will reveal a taste of each thing every week.

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Promoting Effective Public Expenditure Budget Forum

Implementing policies from the PNG National Budget: Evidence from PEPE Project

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Locals want to revoke land lease

Source: The National

LANDOWNERS in Turubu, East Sepik, are calling on the Government to revoke the Special Agriculture and Business Lease on their land.

Spokesman Gabriel Molok said there had not been any oil palm development in the area in the six years since the lease was granted.

Molok said the people had not seen any tangible development but only damage caused by logging.

He said the lease covering Turubu known as Portion 144C was granted to Sepik Oil Palm Plantation Limited in September 2008 for oil palm development.

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NGOs in PNG Stunned by Government buying into Nautilus


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Westpac PNG Among Australian Banks accused of land grabs and illegal logging

Source: Radio Australia

Leading Australian banks are financing companies accused of land grabbing, child labour and illegal logging, according to an Oxfam report released today. 

Leading Australian banks are financing companies accused of land grabbing, child labour and illegal logging, according to an Oxfam report released today.

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Turubu Locals Awaiting Promised Development

Source: EMTV

The people of Turubu in East Sepik are still awaiting the development of the promised Oil Palm Project.

This was announced by Chairman of the Turubu Eco Forestry, Gabriel Molok, at the Oxfam International Press Conference in Port Moresby today.  

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Loggers plan to clear 20 percent of tropical island paradise

By Jeremy Hance at 

Rainforest tree on Woodlark Island. Photo by: Simon Piyuwes.

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SABLs should be removed from PNG Land Act says expert

From ABC Radio Australia

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Agricultural and Business leases criticised many of the companies involved in back-door logging activities in PNG.

But it also laid the finger of blame for the situation on corrupt government officials and local brokers who facilitated the land deals.

Dr Colin Filer, Convenor of the Australian National University's Resource Management in Asia-Pacific program has spent many decades studying land issues in Papua New Guinea.

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