One million sign petition against Nautilus and Solwara 1

Source: PNG Mine Watch

Over one million people have signed a global petition opposing Nautilus Minerals’ plans for experimental seabed mining in Papua New Guinea and the number is still rising.

The petition calls on the PNG government and potential investors not to support the mining plans which could be catastrophic for our climate and biodiversity – and for people living around the mine site who rely on the sea for their subsistence lifestyles.

ACT NOW! advertised the petition on our Facebook page – here are just a selection of the comments made by concerned citizens:

Niruk White Who needs another environmental pollution. PNG rivers has its rivers been poison now sea mine. Is this Canadian company prepared to pay compensation for PNG and the Pacific Islands’ community for any so called unintended environmental damage to the sea bed and the food source.

Martin Heits It takes only a few stupid individuals to agree to such a stupid idea that will ruin the lives of many innocent people. Wake up crazies, we coastal people depend on the sea for subsistance.. kisism lo graun go nonap na nau upla like minim sea floor.. ino long time ba upla salim ol pipol blo upla!!!!!! longx2 wanpla time enaf

James Vuia Simet What is the problem? Don’ t we have enough natural resources to flog to world already? Aren’t the land-based mines and other natural resource projects like oil and gas not generating enough revenue to satisfy people’s greed and selfishness? Why wont we leave these sea-bed mining projects for later when the right kind of technologies have been invented?

Viliame Tori We are already struggling with the effects of climate change and we are still fighting for a solution to these issue…and now seabed mining….the effects will be worse.

Jack NB No to this experimental seabed mining!!! Lets care for Mother Nature and surely it will take care of us.

Tati Wills We have to stop this.. Yes together we can…

Bishop Bee Bottom line is govt to stop seabed minning encourage tourism n. Agriculture priority list of revenue generating industries neglected last 40yrs. Forget about sea bed minning. So many mines come n go yet PNG economy is long way down the road to recovery. Simply just put stop nautilus sea bed mining.

Santhana Wakiawa PNG rise up to say NOOOOOOOOOO TO THIS SEABED MINING.

Jessie Kenken Let us all say No to sea bed mining.. tok2 plnty maski..


Monica Paraide Please damaged is done enough for png no no no no!

Charles Thirlwall …. And meanwhile the Malaysian loggers continue to rape the forests as they have for the past two decades without fanfare ….

Guise Kola No Nautilus no…send them back to the Canadian seas not in our seas…

Hans Columbus Can PNG government please come out and explain to the world she is hell-bend in allowing this crazy project to continue??

Caroline Laore What wealth are we looking for when we are yet to fully account for what we had.

Obert Jubunail Our government must consider this and take action now because our Marine life a affected

Rodney Tom’riesa Our land is full of minerals. There is no need to damage our marine environment unless GREED takes over

JayJay Adamson We need to protect and look after our natural environment for our future generations..

John Nabon Our members are not giving us the chance to air our voice, especially Byron Chan. He has neglected his people’s concern and he’s only interested about his own gain.

He has shown who he is and he will certainly reap what he has sawn in next year’s election. GOOD FOR HIM..

Hamz Stret I’m against the seabed mining, since the sea habitats which host thousands of marine life will be destroyed permenantly thus affecting the ecosystems ,and the lifestyles of the coastal people, economicly, and in there to day living..

Peter Pomahun NO! No! No! to seabed mining.

Nathan Nibat Is our country a guinea pig?

George Kele Ol man laik paitim bros na tok ol wokim. Thats the mentality with lots of our leaders in PNG today. No care attitudes.


Joan Kintah O God help this people to understand. Mother nature is not a toy. STOP SEABED MINING $$$ greedy human beings.

Eagle Eye No

Palosualrea Paul Stop this deep sea mining please. The sea and all have faced a lot from human activities. What more are we going to give them.. Human beings let’s have respect for them ..

Keni Lucas MweiYapol Why not Nautilus go do seabed mining in Canadian seas? We ain’t Guinea pigs for them to come do their seabed mining experiment here. Get the F out. You kill marine life, you kill humans too.

Penias Peni Don’t ever try it out in PNG. Do it in your back yard

Ken Tau No mining to PNG sea bed..

Monty Cat Stopim..!!

Dia Kalit No,poor management on the surface of the land so far is enough, sea bed mining should stop immediately now.

Christine Tau’oa Sabadi Leave seabed mining for next century…future generation.

George Daniels No no and always no to sea bed mining. Why not invest in tourism though. Typical money faces.

Herbs Man Damn why don’t this big companies start a project to produce agricultural crops look @ of png is much bigger that new zealand yet new zealand had huge farms that other pacific country go to work.. If they can do that why don’t we??